Arts & Culture
Bahamian artist’s personal challenge inspires project to help special needs kids
By Xan Xi Bethel
Nov 11, 2015 - 11:33:48 AM


Please. Touch the Art will take place on November 21st from 6 - 9 pm at Doongalik Studios in Nassau, Bahamas.

Artist's Statement: One day, I woke up and God had FedExed me a truck load of responsibility. On April 1st, 2015, I discovered that my 8 week old son had retinal detachment in both eyes. My son is blind. In the flurry, fear, sadness, and confusion that followed – my purpose was born.

I am a painter, jewelry designer, and every so often, I write a poem and for years, I struggled with finding direction to my work and purpose to my art. But my beautiful son has shown me what I am to do.

The Road to Jericho Project is an organization I have founded that is geared toward raising funds and resources for blind and other special needs children in The Bahamas. We intend to do this by hosting a number of events throughout the year and creating projects and outreach programmes for the differently-abled.

Our focal event will be a quarterly art exhibition with the first one scheduled for Saturday, November 21st at Doongalik Studios Art Gallery at #20 Village Road under the theme:“Hands are for SEEING.”

Participating artists have been asked to create work with the blind in mind. The artists will create a 4D art experience, going beyond the aesthetic and building on the tactile. No more ‘DO NOT TOUCH THE ART’ signs. Rather, ‘PLEASE, TOUCH THE ART!’

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