Bahamian Author Blends Science and Universal Truth into Soul Inspiring Children´s Book
Nov 11, 2015 - 11:46:44 AM


Dale Marshall, author of SuperStar Me: Adanna and the Dog Star, is helping to raise the consciousness and self-awareness of children on an international level. The book, written for middle readers, was published and released on November 15 2015.  It is a unique Science fiction tale about Adanna Anderson, a slender ten year old Androsian, island girl, with the rich dark autograph of the sun on her skin. She is suddenly fatherless and heartbroken, after he goes out to sea and never returns. Although Adanna still has the love of her wise grandmother; strong, yet silent mother; and sweet, little sister Lia, her grief is compounded by constant bullying and teasing at school.  She goes on a life changing journey through space and time to find ways to cope, and find more than she ever bargained for – herself!

Not only is the story well written and entertaining, it is also packed with intriguing educational springboards in Language Arts, Family Life, Social Studies and Science! Already, the book has gotten rave reviews and support by leaders in the field of Science education and Astronomy both in the Bahamas and abroad. 

Ms. Marshall has committed to donating her book to Taylor Moxey’s mobile library, which is a historic charity sending a library of not just books, but responsibility and empowerment, for the children of Andros. Taylor Moxey, an 8 year old established entrepreneur, living in the United States, of Androsian descent says about the book:

“This book is super and I think every little girl should read it. I love how it teaches little girls and adults to dream, explore and become one with the universe. I also love how it teaches girls to embrace their hair, skin, size and culture... Read it in my class and all my class mates love it too. ”

The book, Superstar Me: Adanna & the Dog Star, is packed and ready to take journeys worldwide, available via Amazon and Kindle for international purchase.  However, Ms. Marshall says for her, it is most important to her to introduce the book to Bahamian children first, in a very real and personal way. She gives her inspiration for writing the book saying, “It is not often that you see a person that looks like you on a science fiction book as a child of the African diaspora. It is important that we give our kids characters that they can see themselves reflected in.”
She also adds,“Given the current spiritual and emotional crisis of so many young people in our country, I believe it is time that creatives – writers, musicians, artists, do our part to raise the individual consciousness of our children. Our future depends on it.  It is not enough to have national pride, but individual and spiritual pride, for the evolution and progressive movement of our nation. I truly need each and every child to understand the magnificence of their being and how deliberate God was in making them connected to each other, our Earth and our Universe. It is important that they also internalize that we are literally one and we have got to respect our own temples, our earth and each other. ”

On the book’s calendar are many exciting events around our islands where children can look forward to not only meeting the author, but having an experience with the book!   Dr. David Sands, Pediatrician and Director of Cosmos for the Bahamas first and only space Observatory, will be an instrumental part of the experience to help integrate astronomy into the children’s book launch experience in New Providence.  Dr. Sands says he supports the authors efforts because believes in the message of the book.
“We are made of Star Stuff" is a consciousness raising idea that every student should learn. Mrs. Marshall’s use of Astronomy to tell a tale of discovery is refreshing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it as standard reading for all schools. “– Dr. David Sands

Aisha Bowe, CEO and co-founder of STEMboard, (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) who “seeks to improve society through systematic innovation and by attracting, nurturing and developing the world’s emerging brilliance.” and the first woman of Bahamian lineage to work for NASA,  supports and endorses the book, and is even named as an inspiration of the main character.

" It is an honor to be featured in a book that celebrates the infinite power of our young girls. This must read book celebrates not only the power of science , but most importantly the power of our young women.  Dale Marshall has written a book that we can all be proud of, one that gives every little girl permission to dream big in a world that sometimes makes it hard for them to see how bright their future really is.” -- Aisha Bowe, Bahamian rocket scientist.

Mrs. Marshall is mother to two beautiful children, and is an educator of 13 years’ experience, in both Primary and Junior High School. She has always loved Writing, Science, Reading, and Nature.  She has been instrumental in empowering many children through her own creative extracurricular programs and summer camps.   Her book SuperStar Me: Adanna and the Dog Star, has been inspired by all of these elements. Read more about her at

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