The Historical Role and Function of The Bahamas as an Entrepôt
By Bahamas Historical Society
Jan 27, 2016 - 12:00:13 AM
Nassau, Bahamas - Coming up at the Bahamas Historical Society on Thursday, January 28th 2016 at 6pm is a talk by Lesvie Archer on
The Historical Role and Function of The Bahamas as an Entrepôt.
Mrs. Lesvie Archer is currently a PhD Candidate in the Cultural Studies program at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus in Barbados, where she currently holds the post of Vice President of the Cave Hill Association of Post-Graduate. She obtained a double Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Leo University in Marketing, and International Hospitality and Tourism Management, and an Associate Degree from the College of The Bahamas in Spanish. Lesvie has received numerous awards and scholarships both locally and abroad including The Bahamas National Academic Scholarship and an OAS Academic Scholarship.
Mrs. Archer is a Christian who is happily married to Mr. Jamal Archer. While research is her passion, she also enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and is a proud graduate of St. John’s College.
It is generally accepted that the sugar-slavery plantation heritage of Caribbean was the most influential contribution to the shaping of the international political economy. While the importance of such export-oriented industries is well-established, it leaves The Bahamas wondering where its alternative seafaring heritage and entrepôt trade practices fit it?
Entrepots, generally operate as jurisdictions that facilitate commerce, credit, and capital flows while not strictly serving production and trade ends. Accordingly, by investigating the political economic activities of The Bahamas, beginning from the time of the Lucayan Arawaks, I trace the legacy of entrepôt trade in The Bahamas, and find an evolutionary link to the nation’s contemporary and highly successful role as an offshore financial center. I argue that the entrepôt heritage of The Bahamas, its role and agential contribution to the international political economy beckons further research; This presentation draws on my ongoing thesis work on the cultural political economy of The Bahamas.
The Bahamas Historical Society (BHS)
a non-profit organization dedicated to stimulating interest in Bahamian
History and to the collection and preservation of material relating
thereto. Its Headquarters, the former IODE Hall, was a gift from the
Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire (IODE). BHS is on Shirley
Street and Elizabeth Avenue in Nassau.
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