Bahamian Politics
Andrew Wilson DNA: "The Truth is not in Him!"
By Andrew Wilson DNA Chairman
Aug 28, 2016 - 5:52:47 PM

Over the course of this political term in office the PLP has proven time and time again that their allegiance is not to the Bahamian people. In fact, every action, transaction and policy position taken by this government has uncovered linkages to special interest groups, past political donors, cronies and concubines; while countless media reports have uncovered the great lengths to which government officials have gone to protect themselves and their interests even at the expense of the people they swore to BELIEVE in!

One such example was the controversial signing of a letter of intent by former Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells. More than two years ago, Wells illegally signed and was eventually terminated over a proposed waste to energy deal valued at some $600 million dollars. At the time of the incident, Mr. Christie’s response to the entire controversy was simply to avoid talking about it at all. Now, more than two years and according to new media reports TWO LOI’s later, the Bahamian people are no closer to finding out the circumstances surrounding the Stellar Waste to Energy deal. As the nation’s Chief Executive and a servant elected by the Bahamian people, the PM must understand that it is his OBLIGATION to report to his employers – THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE on matters of national importance. Any failure or refusal to do so shows a blatant disregard and disrespect for the very persons who put him there!

Even now, Mr. Christie has yet to answer key questions regarding the LOI, chief among them being whether he himself gave the order for that letter to be signed in the first place? The Democratic National Alliance has long believed this to be the case, despite the PM’s insistence otherwise. In the weeks following the signing of the LOI the DNA called for Mr. Christie to come clean on the issue. Our calls were met with threats of a defamation suit that never materialized! Could the reason be that we were right ALL ALONG? Is this also the reason that the Prime Minister initially refused to FIRE Wells from his post even after publicly intimating that Wells acted WITHOUT CABINET APPROVAL?

Clearly, any claims of defamation of character were nothing more than another smoke and mirrors tactic designed to deflect from realities at hand. The reality is NOW as it was THEN, that the TRUTH is not in our Prime Minister.

Since the initial LOI controversy, Wells has since crossed the isle and according to the leadership of the Free National Movement has explained to them the details surrounding the controversy. It seems however that the only persons left in the dark on this matter is the voting PUBLIC!

This is equally DISHEARTENING! For the past several weeks, we have heard the leader of the official opposition prattle on about his commitment to truth and honesty and transparency in governance. Even while presenting himself as the Anti-Corruption Candidate however, Hubert Minnis has found it far too easy to protect Wells’ secrets and has FORFIETED the opportunity to prove to the Bahamian people that he is serious about government transparency! Clearly, the TRUTH is not in HIM EITHER!

On this issue, the leaders of the PLP and the FNM HAVE BEEN FOUND WANTING! The people of this country DESERVE THE TRUTH! And on behalf of the PUBLIC, the DNA DEMANDS IT AS WELL!

Andrew Wilson

DNA Chairman



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