Bahamian Politics
PLP: A Women’s Prospective
By PLP Women’s Branch
Aug 17, 2016 - 10:23:59 AM

Nassau, Bahamas - As women of an organization who will always fight for the rights of women we must take a stand against the degrading lyrics in a recent song against the Prime Minister of the Bahamas and his family. The song was undeniably most despicable, disrespectful, distasteful and should be viewed as 40 secs of lost productivity. If the short clip wasn't bad enough the original version of this inappropriate song has now surfaced in its entirety.

Is this the precedent we are going to set moving forward and are we willing to brush it off as freedom of speech because we weren't personally affected?

Surely this type of expression should be frowned upon and not glorified. We cannot build a progressive country with such vile hatred towards our Leaders and their families alike.

There has to be a collective responsibility on how our Leaders are treated and respected. We all have a role to play in forming a country despite political divides. Our Leaders should be respected no matter the Government of the day.

The blatant attacks that were recently spewed on Mrs. Bernadette Christie, her daughter Alexandria Christie and her son Adam Christie were uncalled for and should be condemned throughout the country and by extension the world.

In our small society it's proven daily that once someone spreads malicious gossip on an individual it is somewhat taken as the spoken truth and is very hard to be forgotten. People tend to side with gossip and become more engrossed in spreading mistruths resulting in the tarnishing of people's good name.

Mrs. Christie is someone who has always displayed herself as a "Woman of Class & Distinction". She has mastered professional careers as an Accountant & Lawyer independent of her husband being the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. She has always proven herself to be a decent, respectable woman who continues to make strides as an individual in our society.

We are proud of her representation as she has proven that women can educate themselves, develop careers and still balance taking care of their homes and families. She raised a fine daughter who represents the Bahamas continually through her music career showing acknowledgment to the country where she was born and raised.

Only a devoted mother knows what it's like to nurture her kids and to bring them up in the sight of God. Mrs. Christie is to be commended like many other Bahamian women for raising a child with special needs. Children like Adam causes one to develop unwavering love, patience, understanding and true appreciation for mankind. Adam Christie can teach many of us the meaning of "LOVE" what is definitely lacking in our society today. We are quite aware of the stigma associated with Autism and varied Disabilities so there is absolutely NO reason to make fun of a young man who has been challenged all of his life. He should never be the discussion of the day nor a highlight of a distasteful song's story line. The act of desperation to promote oneself on the lives or misfortune of others is Sad and Pitiful.

One can only imagine the disbelief that Mrs.Christie would've endured from this song, targeting and attacking both of her children sadly with one not being able to defend himself. This is just plain mean-spirited and hateful and it needs to stop. They are private citizens and should be respected as such.

You do not have the right to sully a woman's name and malign their character just because you want to be recognized or desire to carry-out a personal vendetta.

Did this songwriter realize or even remember that because of a "Woman" they exist today?

Even a criminal committing heinous crimes is considered a mother's "Good Child" so why would any other children be considered less?

When one thinks about showing lack of respect to any individual but most importantly a "Woman", just consider one day the receiving end could be on one's Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Cousin or Niece.

How would you feel then?

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste".

Instead of using songs to spew Hatred and Negativity allow one's creativity to build a "Positive" environment for the country to follow.

PLP Women’s Branch.

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