Bahamian Politics
Address by Bradley Roberts at the Elizabeth Rally
Feb 3, 2010 - 10:42:48 AM



Bradley B Roberts

National Chairman

Progressive Liberal Party

Elizabeth Rally

February 3rd 2010


The Free National Movement has become so frantic and desperate as they have painfully come to the conclusion that the good people of Elizabeth are sending them a very clear message that they are trying Leo Ryan Pinder.

Tommy Turnquest the minister of National Security, who also holds the responsibility for the Registration Department in his personal hopeless quest to help his first cousin Duane Sands, recently told Candia Dames of The Guardian that some of the 700 plus new people on the voter’s register for Elizabeth are Progressive Liberal Party operatives who do not live in the constituency. Tommy also said “I don’t know that the department can identify them.” Tommy continued, “I have identified them as PLP operatives, and I can assure you that as an FNM campaign worker for this election, we will not allow them to vote.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am satisfied that Tommy Turnquest hatched this wicked, sick and diabolical lie, accusing so-called PLP operatives who do not reside in Elizabeth of registering there. Tommy Turnquest has provided no proof what so ever to support his bogus claim.

On Monday past, as National Chairman I challenged National Security Minister Tommy Turnquest to prove his claims that PLP operatives who do not live in the Elizabeth Constituency are among the 700-plus new people on the voters register for that area.

I pointed out that “In our law he, who alleges, must prove."

I asserted that "A Government Minister is to be responsible; a Minister is not to be reckless. A Minister is not supposed to cast blame unless he has the facts and can justify what he is accusing people of. It was wrong morally, legally and otherwise to do something like that".

Tommy Turnquest told The Nassau Guardian on Sunday that he identified several of the people on the voters list as PLP operatives. In my investigation of Tommy Turnquest’s claim I was led to a PLP supporter and South Beach Branch vice Chair, Ricardo Bruce Smith who informed me that Tommy Turnquest approached him at a funeral and accused him of illegally registering to vote in the Elizabeth constituency. Ricardo also claimed that Turnquest threatened to have him arrested.

 At the FNM's rally on last Thursday, Tommy Turnquest told supporters that he confronted a PLP operative at a funeral whom he recognized as being on the Elizabeth register illegally and warned him against voting in the coming election.

Ricardo Bruce Smith was rightly upset and annoyed that the Minister in charge of National Security would make such a serious charge against him, and therefore brought his voters card to the PLP news conference, to substantiate that Tommy Turnquest was telling a naked bold face lie on him and forcefully denied being registered in Elizabeth.

Ricardo Bruce Smith declared at the press conference "I'm registered in the Englerston Constituency," he said. "I voted in polling division 15 (during the last general election). I still reside in the same place. I have no intention of voting in Elizabeth. I am not registered in Elizabeth. And I'm not in any way afraid of the FNM, or Tommy Turnquest and whatever they intend to do in the line of intimidation in this bye election."

I told the Press that a simple scrutiny of the register in Elizabeth would show that there are three Ricardo Smiths on the list. There is a Ricardo Allen Smith, a Ricardo Rolland Smith and a Ricardo Stephen Smith.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Minister of National Security who also has responsibility for the Parliamentary Registry has created a serious breach of his sacred obligation to the Bahamian people. "To make a baseless, groundless accusation when he simply had all the information available to him that he could have drawn a reasonable conclusion — and that conclusion was that  Ricardo Bruce Smith is not any of the three Ricardo Smiths that are registered to vote in the Elizabeth Constituency."

Ladies and Gentlemen, I took pains to point out that the process of identifying Bahamians who are rightfully registered to vote should be a simple matter for the Government and the Parliamentary Registry.

My Brother and Sisters consider that each voter or his parent or sibling or mate is either a customer of BEC (Bahamas Electricity Corporation), or the Water and Sewerage or BTC Bahamas Telecommunications Company or NIB.

In my humble opinion the Parliamentary Commissioner has the ability to virtually check every single voter on the voters list throughout Elizabeth and indeed the Bahamas.

Tommy Turnquest as Minister of National Security stated that he has indentified persons as PLP operatives who registered in Elizabeth but do not reside in that Constituency, yet Tommy Turnquest failed to do what was expected of a Minister of National Security and Parliamentary Registry: that was to report that information to the police for prosecution as his allegations was a serious crime. Failing to discharge his scared obligations clearly confirms that Tommy Turnquest had deliberately set out to demonize the Progressive Liberal Party and in so doing was strongly proven to be a disgraceful LIAR as it relates to Ricardo Bruce Smith and when confronted simply refused comment.


Tommy was caught red handed with his hand in the cookie jar of lies and deceit and this is the person Hubert Ingraham has holding the vital and important portfolio of National Security. The compliant press has failed to condemn Tommy Turnquest. The last time I checked defamation of character was against the law in the Bahamas.


You heard about that other fringe splinter group of publicity seekers. They are known for locking themselves to the mace some years ago for 15 minutes of fame. They are now making baseless and unsubstantiated claims against the top dog, the PLP, as a publicity stunt. No formal complaint, no names, no evidence, just political mischief. Poor lost souls. I say no more.

These days however, having wrecked the Country, the FNM seems to have a habit of talking foolishness. The other nonsense I have heard over the last few days is that Hubert Ingraham named Elizabeth after his Grandmother. They say Papa name it after his Mama. That is a blatant, cooked up lie, and figment of an outgoing Prime Minister’s imagination.


The Constituency of Elizabeth was named after the sub-division of Elizabeth Estates. And, my brothers and sisters, Elizabeth Estates was named after Her Royal Highness, the Queen of England, during a meeting of CHOGM,  held in Nassau and graciously cut the ribbon and opened the newly constructed Government housing project. As a matter of historical record, the official ribbon was cut at the home of Rosalee Hepburn Bethel – if Mrs. Bethel is here please stand and wave to the crowd. Hon Darrell Rolle was the Minister of Works and Housing so I refuse to entertain any kind of attempt to re-write the history of Elizabeth.


Talk about wrecking the country, Ladies and Gentlemen, You will recall the FNM Government executed a contract with Jose Cartellone Construcciones an Argentinian Company to complete the New Providence Road Improvement Program at a cost of $120 Million. Construction was to commence on January 5th 2009 and the construction was to be completed in 33 and one half month to 36 months.
Despite the excellent work of Bahamian Road Building contractors the FNM excluded their participation.

February 8th next week Monday will mark one full year since the works began. My sources tell me that the project is eight months (8) behind schedule and the Contractor has not completed one corridor.

Initially in hiring all Bahamian Staff the Jose Cartellone I am advised said that it was using a labour contract based on Argentinean Laws as a temporary move until they had completed setting up their operation locally. Yet to date this has not be revised, Bahamians are working based these contracts which do not provide the same standards as Bahamian Law does.


As a result the pay scale on the job does not reflect what should be paid to skilled workers or labourers. Currently Skilled Workers are paid $6 per hour and Labourers $4 per hour. This has been a bone of contention for sometime as the company’s President, Madam Cartellone, voiced her concerns from the outset only to be undermined by the group of engineers running the contract here in the Bahamas. Now they are running the show and spending the money. The company now owes back pay to its Bahamian Employees who have endured the situation due to tough economic times. Why has Minister Dion Foulkes not spoken out on behalf of the Bahamian workers who walked off the job?


I am also advised that to make matters worse the Company has turned a portion of the operations /equipment site at the Sports Center into living quarters for the Argentinean Worker. The portable housing that was put in place does not meet the Bahamas Building code in relation to Hurricane standards. In addition they have put in septic tanks next to residential zone Yellow Elder where septic tanks were never used due to the high water table in the area. The employees lounge is off limits to Bahamians who must eat under a tree or in their cars as there is no canteen. Bahamian Employees are also forced to use outhouses as the restrooms are also off limits.


In relation to the construction work, I am advised the company is not following proper guidelines when it comes to safe environmental practices. Most of the equipment owned by the company leak either or both diesel fuel and hydraulic fluid. There is no effort shown by management to clean up any of the spills which occur. The company does not even have an Environmental Safety Officer on site. I am further advised that some of the foremen have no clue about how to build the various components that must be put in place along the roadway but hold high paying jobs because they are Argentineans.


My sources also advised that no Bahamian contractors beside Bahamas Hot Mix are being employed by the Company. Of course the entire Bahamas knows that Bahamas Hot Mix is owned substantially by DPM Brent Symonette and his Brother in or out of a blind trust. This smells to the highest hills. The Big Rip Off. Clearly Jose Cartellone is badly struggling with this contract as they did in Jamaica where they failed to complete the contract. The PLP warned the FNM about the poor financial track record of this Company. This is part one Ladies and Gentlemen with more to come.


Now, Elizabeth I have heard nothing but good when it comes to the medical competency of Dr. Sands. Unfortunately I haven’t heard very much good from the staff of Princess Margaret Hospital when it comes to his personality. In fact Elizabeth, I understand he called you greedy. I also under that he said that he was put off by you. My Lord and he want to get into politics. Duane Sands starts off by insulting you the people of Elizabeth. I was very shocked when I read that Duane Sands said that he was surprised by how many Bahamians were living hand-to-mouth. Elizabeth, clearly Duane Sands has been living in a bubble or an ivory tower and is clearly out of touch as to your pain and suffering, yet Duane Sands feels that he can represent your interest in parliament.

Despite this, I want to personally thank him and others like him who gave of their time and talent to save Bahamian lives. He may not believe that everyone deserves to live through National Health Insurance – but if you can afford to pay him, I understand his hands are indeed steady.

However, I cannot understand why such an outstanding surgeon and medical professional would choose to collaborate with the indisputable cause of the cancer plaguing our once fair Bahama-land. I would have thought that Dr. Sands would diagnose this National Cancer called the FNM Government, cut it out from the organs of Bahamian livelihood and prescribe to us a serious round of PLP radiation and chemo-therapy.

But someone reminded me that Dr. Sands deals with the human heart. February is American Heart Month.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. But since Hubert Ingraham’s government seems to have lost its heart a long time ago, I am told that there is nothing much Dr. Sands can do to help them. It would be my advice Elizabeth, that Duane Sands stays in Doctor’s Hospital and P.M.H. where he is better suited.

Brave Davis says to tell Duane it aint the same, we tryin’ Ryan. Yes Elizabeth, I strongly encourage you to try Ryan, who has a workable plan to help fix our national economy as well as your local small businesses. Yes Elizabeth, try Ryan, an intelligent, experienced young Bahamian who has returned to the home of his forefathers to make a difference. Yes Elizabeth, try Ryan the son of one of your best representatives to date, who has committed himself to walking in his father’s footsteps, and taking you even further on the road to success. Ryan is not a snob, Ryan can and does indentify with ordinary Bahamian folks.

On February 16, 2010, I strongly encourage you to cast your vote for Leo Ryan Pinder and the PLP. I strongly admonish you NOT TO SPOIL YOUR BALLOT. AND WASTE YOUR VOTE. Mark your X next to the hand – that is sufficient. The choice is clear, the only choice, to represent you as we move to rescue you from this FNM Government of broken promises and bogus trust and return our Country to the visionary stewardship of Perry Christie and the PLP.

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