Bahamian Politics
Bahamas Opposition leader addresses packed hall of supporters on Grand Bahama
Sep 16, 2017 - 3:59:05 PM


Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - Friday, September 15th, 2017 Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C., Leader of the The Bahamas official opposition, PLP delivered an address to a packed hall of supporters at the Bahamas Union of Teachers Hall on Pioneers Way. What follows is the text of his speech.

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery!

Stalwart Councillors, Party Officers, PLPs Good Night! It is good to be in Grand Bahama tonight! I am at home in Grand Bahama! I am happy to be here to let you know that our party is not dead! We are alive!

We will rebuild! And not long from now we will return as the Government of The Bahamas.

Despite being alive we know all is not well! There is no doubt that our party is at a crossroads! These are serious times in our country … and these are serious times in our beloved PLP! Only four short months ago we suffered the worst election defeat in the history of our party.

We lost all of the seats here in Grand Bahama!

The Bahamian people sent us a very clear message. Grand Bahamians sent us a very clear message. And I am going to say this: many PLPs - and even some stalwart councilors - sent us a very clear message!

Tonight I can definitely proclaim MESSAGE RECEIVED!

This is no time, however, to sit around and lick our wounds.

It is time to Rebuild, Rebrand and Renew our party.

It is time to bring about positive change!

It is a time for hard work- heavy lifting – digging up the soil - and for new growth.

We must prune the branches of our party so we can flourish for the coming season!

There is no other option!

We must admit that Bahamians are dissatisfied with the present state of Bahamian politics.

They are frustrated by flowery promises that are long on fluff but short on substance and solutions.

They are fed-up with political leaders that pit brother against brother and sister against sister every five years, all for their own personal gain.

Bahamians are fed-up with our politics and are thirsting for discussions on solutions, debates about policies…

…and not personalities! They want more action and less grandstanding.


A new day in Bahamian politics has dawned.

Bahamians have moved beyond what we say and are now looking at what we do.

….They are not interested in looking back…..

– they are less interested in who you are and more interested in what you are able to do to move our country forward.

PLPs,…..politics in the Bahamas has changed….. and we must change with it!

As you are aware the Party will meet in convention this October as we transition forward.

Tonight I am duty-bound to announce to you, my Grand Bahama PLP family, that I will be offering myself for service as Leader to begin this necessary transition of our party.


I am committed to the P.L.P!

I believe in our party.

I believe we are the best vehicle to bring about Real Change and progress for the Bahamian people.

Our core values are as relevant today as they were 60 plus years ago……

….And I am prepared to put my shoulder to the wheel and play my part to Rebuild, Rebrand and Renew. I am ready to work.

You know me.

You know of my service and commitment to our party.

You know of my sweat and toil for our party – putting self-interest aside.

Over the years, some in our party have dubbed me Mr Clean Up!

Others refer to me as ‘Mr. Fix it’. Right now there is much clean up and fixing to be done and I am up to the task.

And let me just share some of what I mean when we say Rebuild, Rebrand and Renew the Progressive Liberal Party.

To Rebuild is to fix what needs to be fixed in our organization….

Rebranding is to give character, and a new flavor to our party….

….So to improve how we are seen …….to give new focus, to rise to the occasion, to demonstrate that we can and will change the Bahamas for the Better.

Renew is for this organization to be restored to its glory days.

It is to reinvigorate our commitment to our brothers and sisters, to be emboldened in our beliefs and support for the Progressive Liberal Party.

….It is to be so mobilized and so focused that your activities and your program agenda is designed to capture the spirit and the essence of your constituents.

A change is coming Grand Bahama…Change Will Come!

As your leader I will always be committed to progress and advancement in our party.

….And welcome new ideas!

This is a time to work!

This is time to get things done!

I am READY to work.

Are you READY Grand Bahama?

….Are you READY to work?

Are YOU READY to Be that CHANGE?

Grand Bahama, I can assure you that I have heard your cries and know of your unique challenges and concerns.

I will not turn a blind eye! As you see I was here yesterday and again today to see about you!

But I want to say this: The PLP is bigger than any individual.

We must rebuild together and become unified!

We need all hands on deck to move this SS PLP FORWARD!

Should you return me as leader of our great party, I solemnly pledge tonight that CHANGE WILL COME!

CHANGE WILL COME as we must restore and maintain discipline and order among the rank and file of the membership of the PLP.

I will as your Leader ensure that the Party speaks with a common voice and approaches the general election campaign with a single purpose.

CHANGE WILL COME …. and as Party Leader I commit to ensuring that democracy is real in our party as we revitalise all of the various organs of the PLP.

CHANGE WILL COME as there will be a rebirth of the Grand Bahama Council.

…The Council will be empowered with the full support of leadership to take our party’s message throughout this great island.

Your voices will be heard and felt; to preserve its effectiveness!

The Party must empower and encourage branches and councils to carry the message of their constituents and present their views and concerns to the highest offices in the organization.

CHANGE WILL COME as we engage in ongoing meetings with College Students, Young Professionals, Groups of Young Men and Women, Community Leaders, Civic and Church organisations –

The Party must more meaningfully demonstrate its interest in and concern for the affairs of all Bahamians.

We must have continuous dialogue with all segments of the Bahamian society.

More importanly, I also fully support the establishment of the National Progressive Institute in Grand Bahama.

Many of the issues facing Grand Bahama are unique and as we transform our party this island needs its own think tank.

The talent is here! I want to play my part in unleashing the talent, creativity, vision and ideas to be found right within your community.

The Grand Bahama NPI will develop as a full branch of our party with all voting rights and privileges!…. CHANGE WILL COME!

We cannot continue to run our party like a tuck shop.

We must ensure that the party is properly funded for the battles ahead.

Politics is not cheap!

As the Party’s Leader I will support all major fund-raising efforts. I will force introduction of a professionally managed system of pledges, that takes place year-round to fund the day-to-day costs at our headquarters including PLP House here in Grand Bahama.

Change WILL COME! …..And we intend to win the next election.

Grand Bahama!

For too long we have been complaining about public relations in our party.

As Leader, I intend to implement a fulltime, professionally staffed Public Relations unit.

We must ensure that a professional Public Relations staff is identified and selected from the Party’s membership and fully resourced.

The talent exist amongst us, but it must be effectively utilized and supported.

Much talent is here tonight. This Public Relations department will be mandated to aggressively articulate the Party’s position on every major issue facing our country.

I commit to engage in ongoing meetings with College Students, Young

Professionals, Groups of Young Men and Women, Community Leaders, Civic

and Church organisations – The Party must more meaningfully demonstrate its

interest in and concern for the affairs of all Bahamians. We must have

continuous dialogue with all segments of the Bahamian society.

I commit to engage in ongoing meetings with College Students, Young

Professionals, Groups of Young Men and Women, Community Leaders, Civic

and Church organisations – The Party must more meaningfully demonstrate its

interest in and concern for the affairs of all Bahamians. We must have

continuous dialog


I commit to engage in ongoing meetings with College Students, Young

Professionals, Groups of Young Men and Women, Community Leaders, Civic

and Church organisations – The Party must more meaningfully demonstrate its

interest in and concern for the affairs of all Bahamians. We must have

continuous dialog

CHANGE WILL COME for, as your Leader, immediately after this Convention I will appoint a committee of the faithful throughout our archipelago to examine significant changes needed within our party’s constitution.

This is of critical importance.

“ALL PLPS” must have more of a say in this party!

We must continue to be relevant and reflect the true desires of the Bahamian people!

….And this is a mission I intend to lead!

This party belongs to all of us.

And therefore, all of you must now have a greater say in its development!

So Grand Bahama Join Me and walk with me as we make this great march together!

Join Me as we walk from island to island ….

Community by Community as we keep lifting the spirits of the Bahamian People!

Join Me as we welcome this wave of change within our party…..

….And when that BELL rings – your voice and ours TOGETHER will sweep across this country,….






Thank You and may God Bless us All!


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