Bahamian Politics
Bradley Roberts: Pintard retread proves FNM bench shallow
Jun 10, 2014 - 12:26:33 PM

Pintard retread proves FNM bench shallow

Bradley B. Roberts

National Chairman

Progressive Liberal Party

During his second year anniversary press conference, Prime Minister Christie characterized the FNM as a “scrap gang.” The appointment of Michael Pintard to the Senate reaffirms this FNM characterization as Pintard is a two-time loser and a political retread.

The public knows well that Pintard was strongly defeated when he ran against Prime Minister the Hon. Perry G. Christie in Farm Road and Centerville in the 2007 general elections and later defeated by Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis in Cat Island, Rum Cay & San Salvador in 2012. His initial tenure as Senator apparently to build his national profile and political brand was a dismal failure so one is left to question the wisdom and rationale for this reappointment.

Dr. Minnis publicly claimed to have a deep political bench but the best he can muster up after an exhaustive search, much screening and gleaning is to advance a twice rejected candidate and former Senator? Where is this deep bench and new generation of leaders Minnis speaks of as he supposedly reorganizes and restructures the FNM in preparation for the future?

Pintard injected no political capital into the FNM in previous appointments and there is no reason to believe he will with this current appointment. His appointment only proves that cronyism and political incest are alive and well in the FNM as prerequisites for upward mobility. Further, this appointment reflects negatively on the leadership and decision making abilities of Dr. Minnis and is reminiscent of the FNM’s choice to contest the bye-election in North Abaco in August 2012. This is just another bad political decision that shows poor to no political instincts or judgment on the part of Dr. Minnis.

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