Bahamian Politics
Buscheme Armbrister Carmichael & Golden Isles Rally Speech
By Buscheme Armbrister, DNA Candidate for Carmichael
Jun 26, 2016 - 5:05:11 PM


Nassau, Bahamas - To our leader of the Democratic National Alliance, Mr. Branville McCartney, deputy leader, Mr. Chris Mortimer, party chair, Mr. Andrew Wilson, colleagues, my dynamic team, friends and the great people of Carmichael - good evening.

Our country has come to a crossroad. Are we going to continuously move onward, backward under the present and past Administration or are we going to move forward, upward, and most importantly, together with the DNA. I am reminded of a quote by our late father of the nation Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling " if Bahamians are not prepared to stand up and defend their own Bahamas, then they don't deserve it ". Tonight I want to talk to you about three great issues facing this progressive constituency of Carmichael and by extension, this nation.

First of all, our children are our future. Everyone is talking about Baha Mar, referendum, the Chinese, political mischief and of course Toggie and & Bobo, but no one is talking about education. How is it that a 1.0 GPA is a passing mark in our school system today? What has changed over the last 40 years? The government continues to build new schools despite a long track record of under-performing students. My people, the most valuable change we can make is to ensure our teachers and students strive for perfection to bring back our stellar school system.

I propose more respect and encouragement for teachers, adequate development funding, and greater basic skill development programs, personalized learning opportunities and after school programs. Further, we must transform the culture and attitudes surrounding education, teaching styles and school structure. For example, in any registered group, like toastmasters, Kiwanis, even Masonic lodges. There is a constitution, that all members have a copy of, and one of the first things you learn is your organizations constitution. In the Bahamas we have a constitution that governs us, and all Bahamians should have a copy and I think especially based on all of the turmoil of the recent referendum) the Bahamian constitution should be a curriculum offered in every high school in the Bahamas.

Secondly, for many years, current government leaders have neglected economic prosperity, and I plan to change all of that. I am proposing a community wide initiative to encourage residents to shop within the community to increase economic activity. I will further encourage businesses to hire from within the community. We must be our brothers’ keeper in Carmichael. That goal is as pertinent today in Carmichael as it was when we first sought independence of this great nation. As your representative, I will provide opportunities of access to funding for start up businesses and expansion of small businesses greater, financial service programs and exposure to training for advance technologies and global business practices.

You must know both the PLP and FNM are like divorced parents who care more about getting the kids to hate the other parent than the child’s well being. The track record of their years in power proves this, not to mention the progress of only family and friends.

Thirdly, Carmichael is the fastest growing community in the country with no proper infrastructure. Traffic is a huge problem coming in and out of the area. We need roads widened, sidewalks in place, housing solutions, community pools, playgrounds, sports fields, youth centers, bike paths, and proper water drainage. The parks are run down to the point there are no nets on the basketball rims and bathrooms are not functional. We must foster social interaction and peace-keeping initiatives not only to drive growth but also to decrease crime and poverty. My goal is to improve community life and enhance the experience of residents using these facilities.

My opponents have only proven they lacked the vision of long-term solutions. A vote for Buscheme Armbrister is a vote for perseverance, for possibility, for prosperity. You are here tonight because you care about your constituency – and I’m sure you’re eager to know if I care about it as well. The truth is I care about it as much as you do.

I’m not some silver-spooned boy whose father ushered him into the family business of politics; who is not connected to the community he seeks to represent. I live in Carmichael. I shop in Carmichael. I pay my bills in Carmichael. When your power goes off, mine go off too. The same potholes you drop in on these roads, I drop in them too. I know what you are going through because I go through it. I feel what you feel Carmichael.

If elected, I will serve this constituency and the needs of its people. People change, needs change, but as of today, the top priority is education, economic empowerment to promote small businesses and jobs, senior citizen care and infrastructure.

A New Beginning is coming to Carmichael for a promising new future. The former Prime Minister said that who ever won the 2002 referendum would go on to win the General Election. So said so done. I believe the same principle applied to this recent referendum. AND NOTE THE PEOPLE WON THAT ELECTION. I AM CONVINCED THE PEOPLE WILL WIN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. REMEMBER " THE BIGGEST ROOM IN THE WORLD IS ALWAYS THE ROOM FOR CHANGE"

God bless the Carmichael and God bless the Bahamas.


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