Bahamian Politics
Chairman Collie on the "Attorney General Not Informing the Labour Minister of the Nolle Prosequi"
By The Free National Movement
Sep 22, 2016 - 2:30:42 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - Sidney Collie, Chairman of the Free National Movement (FNM), issued the following statement regarding the Labour Minister stating he was not informed of the ‘nolle prosequi’:

“The PLP Government has shown that they like to keep secrets from the Bahamian people and now it appears that they are keeping secrets from their own Ministers. The Minister of Labour, Shane Gibson, has said that the Attorney General never informed him that she issued the ‘nolle prosequi’ direction in regards to the Sandals case even as he was meeting with the union. This PLP Government can’t even get on the same page when dealing with one resort’s issues how can they deal with the problems they continue to create with the huge Baha Mar debacle.

“The PLP is in disarray, with Minister Gibson disappointed that the ‘nolle prosequi’ was issued. Yet, Delusional PLP Chairman Roberts is defending it, while Attorney General Maynard-Gibson is refusing to comment. So where does the embattled Prime Minister Christie stand? Does he believe it was right for his Attorney General to sidestep the courts and dismiss this case before it could be heard or does he agree with the people who see this for what it is an absurd and disturbing overreach of power?

“Regardless, this is not the first time the PLP Government has issued a ‘nolle prosequi’ to benefit themselves and their supporters. Minister Fitzgerald previously issued a ‘nolle prosequi’ as acting Attorney General, dismissing the case against one of the Attorney General’s clients. Her recent actions only lend credence to the growing notion that the power of the AG to issue such a dismissal is prone to potential misuse, abuse and favouritism under her tenure in office. We cannot have that and continue to be a nation of laws. It is time for Attorney General Maynard-Gibson to answer for her actions and resign as Attorney General. The Bahamian people deserve an Attorney General who will bring integrity and trust back to the office.”

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