Bahamian Politics
Chairman Collie’s on the New Department of Statistics Report
By The Free National Movement
Jul 24, 2016 - 11:20:27 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - Sidney Collie, Chairman of the Free National Movement (FNM), issued the following statement on the new Department of Statistics report on unemployment:

“Does this PLP Government really think Bahamians are truly back to work? What about the 2,000 Bahamians laid off from Baha Mar over a year ago – can you tell them they are working? Are the 5,000 Bahamians that were supposed to have jobs from Baha Mar employed? That is what the PLP Government would have the people believe as they roll out the latest report from the Department of Statistics telling us the unemployment rate is going down.”

“Of course what the PLP fails to tell the people is that the survey was conveniently timed to co-inside with carnival week – when a two week temporary employment is at its highest point. This is the second time they have tried to use the Carnival jobs to prop up the unemployment rate. Those jobs disappear quickly as does the PLP’s argument that they are helping get Bahamians back to work. Unfortunately, this is typical headline grabbing smoke and mirrors we’ve come to expect from the PLP Government rolling out fantasy laden, government controlled data insisting that there are no problems. Bahamians who are forced to live through the reality that the PLP continues to ignore know better. And the people know this Government won’t fix a problem when it continues to ignore it.”

“It is truly comical that days after an independent international agency says to expect The Bahamas unemployment rate to go up this year the PLP Government releases their own survey saying it has gone down. The PLP needs to come back to reality and talk with the hardworking Bahamian people and realize that they are not employed. We need leadership that will take a stand and find long-term permanent employment solutions for the Bahamian people. The FNM will work every day to put the Bahamian people back to work and not just try and make everyone feel one way when it isn’t true.”

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