Bahamian Politics
DNA: Auditor General’s Report on Social Services Spending Unacceptable
By Youri Kemp, Democratic National Alliance
Apr 28, 2016 - 4:12:27 PM

The Democratic National Alliance read with great distress the level of apparent malfeasance within the Ministry of Social Services. The Auditor General’s report not only detailed the fraudulent scheme surrounding the improper use and wasteful management of pre-printed food coupons, but further pointed to deficiencies in record and document management practices as well as a lack of checks and balances to ensure the proper authorization for monies paid to vendors.

Sadly, these allegations are not new and certainly not surprising as anecdotal evidence has long suggested major leakages and abuses of the system within the department. The Minister’s non-chalant and near apathetic response to media questions about the report are further proof that the government is all too aware of the challenges within the Ministry. This in itself is particularly distressing as the release of the report comes just days after the Minister was again ratified at the PLP's candidate in Yamacraw. Is this a sign of what Bahamians should expect from Griffin should the current administration be re-elected?

As the agency tasked with assisting the poor and needy in this country, any indication that those services are not being accessed by the persons who need them most is simply UNACCEPTABLE. Reports of theft, corruption or abuses of power within the department must be met with extreme prejudice for those found responsible. Such individuals should be named and made to face criminal charges of theft. Instead, as is the PLP’s culture of corruption, such individuals are often simply transferred to different government agencies and departments where the cycle of dishonesty is allowed to continue.

Bahamians need only recall similar allegations made by the Auditor General in relation to Urban Renewal’s Small Home Repairs Program which was overseen by the Ministry of works. In fact rather than address the allegations head on, the DPM chose to attack the messenger, insinuating that Mr. Bastian’s findings were somehow flawed.

Even in the face of such reports however, this administration has squandered opportunities to truly strengthen the systems which monitor and maintain the department. Back in 2012 the government was the recipient of some 7.5 million dollars earmarked for upgrades at the department of social services. Those upgrades as outlined by the Inter-American Development Bank, were designed to create efficiencies in the dispensing of benefits and creating a clear and identifiable assessment system for persons seeking assistance so that we really focus in on persons that truly need assistance. The DNA demands that the Minister immediately come clean about exactly what money was spent.

Every day, meets with residents in communities across this island and the country at large. We have heard the countless horror stories of hard working Bahamians who have simply been unable to meet the demands of life; unemployed men and women whose only source of assistance comes from Social services. What recourse do these people have if we allow persons to deny them even these smallest of comforts? It is our responsibility to those less fortunate among us to ensure that the services which have been allocated for them in the government’s budget actually reach the homes and tables of those who need it most.

Bahamians have long been a people of integrity and pride. The DNA strongly believes that even for those enduring financial difficulties, we must do everything in our power to ensure that the pride, integrity and dignity of our people is protected and preserved.

This government has paid only lip service to this idea. Some may not care, but we in the DNA care. We care that your money is being accounted for and that monies earmarked for the poor will be spent on the poor that need it.

The DNA has pledged that financial management reforms across the board in The Bahamas will happen under a DNA government, and will remain focused on that when we win office.

Mr. Youri Kemp
DNA Candidate Garden Hills
DNA Spokesperson for the Economy

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