Bahamian Politics
"DNA Decries The Rank Victimization of Our Armed Forces!"
By Branville McCartney, Leader, Democratic National Alliance (DNA)
Mar 17, 2015 - 1:53:33 PM

For months, members of the country’s armed forces have been attempting to negotiate with this administration in good faith with a view to addressing some of their long standing concerns. Unfortunately those concerns were ignored, and attempts to rekindle those talks met with tactics of intimidation. In the absence of such dialogue, and with the full support of the Democratic National Alliance, (DNA) those officers exercised their right to protest, assembling in a peaceful and organized way this past Friday to bring public awareness to their plight.

Less than a week after taking that very public stand and openly criticizing the government’s handling of matters relative to the armed forces however, officers who participated in Friday’s March and Demonstration are now being targeted by their superiors in a move which can only be described as rank VICTIMIZATION.

The Democratic National Alliance has been advised that several individuals were given formal notification that they are now under investigation for various offences and that charges could be brought against them.

These so called charges are obviously being used as a means to punish outspoken public servants who have already been denied what they have been promised. Rather than actually confront the issues head on, members of this administration – who have already demonstrated a propensity for interfering in the affairs of the Royal Bahamas Police Force – are using members of the country’s top brass to bully hard working officers into submission.

Such tactics are deplorable, disgusting and undemocratic! It goes without saying that the armed forces of any country are an important cog in the wheel of national development. Members of our security forces, as part of their commitment to their jobs, rub shoulders with the criminal element while managing to keep themselves above reproach and working tireless to help the government fulfill its mandate to protect the citizenry of this nation. Police Officers and Defense Force Marines are often the country’s first line of defense. Those officers walk the beat daily. Those officers protect our borders and keep us and our families safe from the undesirables among us, and considering the current state of crime in this country, their job is undoubtedly a difficult one. Unfortunately, this government has yet to show them the level of respect they deserve.

The DNA will continue to support members of the country’s armed forces as they agitate for what is fair and just. The Christie government must refrain immediately from using its power to bully those who speak out against their lack of good governance. The DNA will be watching these developments very closely.

Branville McCartney

DNA Leader

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