Bahamian Politics
DNA: "Elect-Yle Dysfunction" Stifling our Democracy
By Christopher Mortimer DNA Deputy Leader
Nov 18, 2015 - 6:52:45 PM

The past four decades of Bahamian Democracy reads like a case study for the need for electoral reform. Our current political environment has done little to truly grow our democracy. Instead, it has created generations of Bahamians who are detached from the political process; who are distrusting of government agencies and people who feel like third class citizens in their own country; all the while breeding an unparalleled level of corruption which excludes persons not closely affiliated with the government of the day from any or all opportunities which should be afforded to every Bahamian.

This level of “ELECT-YLE DYSFUNCTION” is a product of policies that have failed to forge a firm, more hopeful, 21st century Bahamas. With just over a year before Bahamians head back to the Polls, the time has come for this government to take real steps toward addressing deficiencies in the process and move our democracy into the 21st century.

It goes without saying that the system we currently use to elect our MPs has a real impact on our still developing nation but not in a way that benefits the widest cross section of Bahamians. As part of sweeping electoral reforms the Democratic National Alliance proposes a move towards a more proportional voting system which would decide our Parliamentary makeup by allocating seats on the basis of the number of votes each party received as opposed to the current ‘winner takes all’ approach to elections that currently exists. In its current state, our political environment discounts the votes of thousands of Bahamians and as we saw in the last election, elected a group of individuals into office who did not receive the vast majority of the votes. WE CANNOT continue to promote a system which allows one individual to speak for the many with support from the few.

It is also important that the integrity of the voting process is not undermined by well entrenched election tricks. As such The Democratic National Alliance strongly urges the elimination of current voting booths that were used in the last elections. We recommend the use of the booth in exhibit A below. It is our view that this voting booth will ensure the privacy of the vote while bolstering the integrity of the vote. Similarly, we also call for the use of metal detectors to be implemented as a requirement for entry into the polling station.

A 21st Century Bahamian Democracy must also move into the age of technology. We are all too familiar with allegations of vote buying and other issues which have plagued the process. A move towards digital voting will improve three critical areas of the voting process: SECRECY, ACCURACY and VERIFYABILITY! The DNA is open to discuss the many available electronic voting options available in an effort to choose the best possible option for our democracy.

Coupled with plans for campaign finance reform the DNA’s campaign to END “Elect-yle Dysfunction” can only bring us closer to the dream of a Better Bahamas.

Christopher Mortimer
DNA Deputy Leader

Exhibit A: POLLMASTER 1 Voting Booth

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