Bahamian Politics
DNA: FNM’s Campaign promises and lies
By Arinthia S. Komolafe, Leader Democratic National Alliance
Jan 7, 2020 - 1:15:59 PM

  •     Re-election comments are insensitive and disrespectful
  •     Focus should be on addressing national crises
  •     Successive administrations increased burden on the people
  •     PLP and FNM not committed to good governance
  •     Bahamians will not forget and will have final say

As we entered a new year, the Bahamian people expected to be inspired that the days ahead will be brighter than those behind them. Individuals still seeking some normalcy in their lives after Hurricane Dorian awaited a message of hope and a cogent plan for the future. Many struggling residents that are being pushed towards poverty wanted to know that relief is in sight. The Prime Minister failed us all when he showed that his focus and motivation is his re-election to office.

Bahamians are extremely disappointed in a Prime Minister that professes a concern for the people but whose policies have done more damage to the financial status of Bahamians than any of his predecessors. While general unemployment remains high and youth employment extremely high, the burden of taxation on the populace and planned increase in electricity costs continue to cripple the average Bahamian. The PM’s comments were insensitive, disrespectful, presumptuous and brazen in the face of voters who are merely trying to make ends meet, put their lives back together or still grieving loved ones lost in the storm.

It is clear that the special interest groups, elites and sycophants surrounding the PM have led him to a place of unparalleled delusion. We call on the PM to wake and focus on addressing the national crises created by this FNM administration and its predecessors. The Most Honorable Prime Minister will do well to stop campaigning and govern in a manner that addresses the challenges average citizens are confronted with daily. He should not insult the intelligence of Bahamian voters by dismissing their ability to discern and judge the actions of his administration.

The FNM’s campaign promises and lies are being revealed for all to see. How can the PM sleep at night knowing that he is maintaining a system that ensures that he who pays the piper dictates the tune? How can he explain going against his Attorney General who had stated earlier that campaign finance reform is a priority? Bahamians are disappointed that the promise of good governance by the FNM has become a nightmare for an administration tainted with corruption, conflicts of interest, cronyism and nepotism. We are disheartened that the campaign promises of fixed election dates, term limits and a recall system for MPs has been shown to be nothing but lies.

The Freedom of Information, Whistleblower, Integrity Commission and Campaign Finance legislation are key elements of good governance which the current FNM administration and the PLP have failed to implement for personal political gain.

In the midst of the darkness and disappointment, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) rises to the call for a New Bahamas; championing a new breed of Bahamians without greed. We march into a new decade to usher in a new era of good governance, economic empowerment, true emancipation and the dismantling of the status quo.

We will not retreat or surrender and we will not give up on The Bahamas. We are confident that Bahamians will not forget the actions of oppressive political regimes that have held them down for far too long and they will have the final say. The DNA trusts the judgement and indomitable spirit of the Bahamian people.

Arinthia S. Komolafe

Party Leader

Democratic National Alliance

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