Bahamian Politics
DNA: Forward, Upward, Onward and Together!
By Branville McCartney, Leader, DNA
Oct 4, 2015 - 7:56:20 PM

Hurricane Joaquin ripped through the central and southeast Bahamas this week leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The category 4 system devastated homes in Rum Cay, San Salvador, Long Island, Crooked Island and Acklins; and is further responsible for multiple unconfirmed deaths. Not since France, Jean and Wilma which wrought similar devastation in the Northern Bahamas has a hurricane been responsible for such widespread loss in the family islands.

The unpredictable nature of Hurricane Joaquin presented its own set of challenges. The speed at which this system formed and intensified made it not only difficult to forecast but led to lapses in storm preparation. It is these lapses which Prime Minister Perry Christie called a ‘teachable moment’. WE AGREE. It is our hope that we, as a people, and as a government are able to learn from this very tragic experience. The time will come when as a nation we will be able to discuss in a frank and honest way how to prevent similar lapses from occurring again; the time will come for us to create and develop more succinct early warning and immediate response plans but NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO ASSIGN BLAME! We CANNOT and MUST NOT get hung up on who did or did not do their jobs. WE CANNOT and MUST NOT use this an opportunity to score political brownie points. Instead, our focus MUST remain on restoring a sense of normalcy to the lives of those affected.

In the wake of such desolation, it has been a heartwarming experience to watch Bahamians in the unaffected islands come together to render aid. Over the past 48 hours we have seen countless groups mobilize to secure donations, supplies and volunteers. This past Saturday the DNA joined those efforts. Through the DNA’s Men’s Alliance, Women’s Alliance and Business Alliance organizations we have arranged a supply drive at a central relief depot at Bahamas Bus and Truck on Montrose Avenue which has so far received tremendous support from party supporters and the wider public as well. Our efforts will continue. We further offer our assistance wherever we can to the Government of the Bahamas in an attempt to help our brothers and sisters.

We applaud all individuals and organizations that have already begun contributing to this most worthy cause. We encourage ALL BAHAMIANS, no matter your political or religious affiliations to do your part in assisting. This must become a sustained effort designed to bring relief in both the short and medium term. Like Bahamians across the archipelago the Democratic National Alliance laments the suffering currently being experienced by our brothers and sisters in the affected areas. We must continue to pray and we must continue to pool our collective resources to ensure that these Bahamians are able to rebuild their lives. We must continue to press on; FORWARD UPWARD ONWARD and TOGETHER!

 May God be with us all!

Branville McCartney

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