Bahamian Politics
DNA: No "Gray" Area
By Branville McCartney, Leader, Democratic National Alliance (DNA)
Mar 26, 2015 - 4:21:58 PM

The last few weeks in the governance of the country has left much to be desired. Headlines splashed across the front page of the local dailies have detailed the latest missteps of this visionless PLP administration. It would appear that yet again, PM Perry Christie has lost control of those under his watch and has allowed his band of merry men to run amuck.

Since taking office in 2012, there have been countless instances of mismanagement, wastage, corruption and cronyism on the part of this PLP administration. From the government’s handling of the gaming referendum, to the now infamous LOI scandal involving Renward Wells, to more recent matters such as the government’s handling of the BEC bribe taker to the BAMSI Insurance Fiasco and the DPM misleading the House of Assembly and by extension the Bahamian people; this Christie administration has proven time and time again that they are unable to, or rather simply refuse to abide by the Rule of Law. Instead, they have allowed their own personal agendas to create Shades of Grey where the law is clearly black and white.

At the center of much of the controversy in recent weeks has been Agriculture Minister V. Alfred Gray whose negligence coupled with the ineptitude of Works Minister Philip Davis in overseeing matters at BAMSI is set to cost Bahamians MILLIONS of dollars. Yet, the Minister’s pronouncements on the matter have seemed detached and dismissive. As the Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries it would stand to reason that he would have a vested interest in ensuring the success of the project. His overly lackadaisical attitude toward the government’s mismanagement of the multimillion-dollar endeavor says to the public that he is uninterested and should therefore not have that responsibility.

What the Minister did seem to take an interest in however, was the fate of a man who had already been convicted for behavior, which the courts deemed criminal. In fact Minister Gray was so interested that he, by his own admission, proceeded to call an island administrator – who was at the time acting as a magistrate – in his constituency and, as he puts it, discuss his options regarding the release of the individual. The question is why? The Minister’s actions were clearly an attempt to pervert the course of justice. Though acting as a magistrate in this particular matter, the Island Administrator is part of a government agency, which falls under the direct purview of Minister Gray who also serves as the Minister for Local Government. That said, Mr. Gray HAD TO KNOW, that any suggestions made by him would carry significant weight. In fact in comments to the media, the magistrate intimates that he perceived Gray’s phone calls on the matter as an order coming forth. For Gray to now feign ignorance of that fact is disingenuous.

What Minister Gray has done is wrong on all accounts. He has crossed the line and must resign or is asked to resign by the Prime Minister. If he fails to resign, the Prime Minister must fire him. Removing part of his post as a minister is not sufficient. Indeed a criminal investigation must be had and justice ought to prevail. The Prime Minister must do his job as the Chief Executive Officer of this country and act now. Speaking about the former administration’s ministers wrongdoing is a cop out by the Prime Minister and certainly does not exonerate his ministers from wrongdoing! If the Prime Minister fails to do his job in this regard, the country must look at terminating him as it would seem that the Prime Minister condones Gray’s actions and thus warranting the fact that he is no longer fit to be Prime Minister.

Needless to say the Prime Minister must also act on the Deputy Prime Minister’s misleading Parliament two weeks ago and by extension the Bahamian people. Again if the Prime Minister fails to act in asking for the Deputy Prime Minister’s resignation it would mean that the Prime minister condones such actions and thus warranting the fact that he is no longer fit to be Prime Minister.

The Democratic National Alliance sees no grey area in this matter. In the interest of JUSTICE, GOOD GOVERNANCE and the RULE OF LAW ministers of government found acting ultra vires to the law MUST BE MADE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES! PERIOD!

Mr. Branville McCartney

DNA Leader


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