Bahamian Politics
DNA: Nottage must go!
By Branville McCartney, DNA Leader
Sep 18, 2015 - 12:23:32 PM

After failing consistently on all fronts for the past three years in government, the comments attributed to National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage regarding the country’s dismal crime statistics are a disappointing slap in the face for all Bahamians who supported and believed that this government had the answers to stemming the rising tide of crime.

The Democratic National Alliance is disgusted and appalled by Dr. Nottage’s comments, which again prove exactly how out of touch this administration is with the realities facing our country. Before taking office, the PLP administration promised a multifaceted approach to crime prevention. Instead the Bahamian people have gotten nothing more than excuses. For 8 months this National Security Minister sat in silence and watched as our streets became a conflict zone. The Minister watched in silence as scores of young men and women lost their lives to gun violence, while countless other Bahamians fell victim to crimes such as armed robberies, rapes and assault. Only recently did the Minister bother to address the situation; but instead of articulating a concrete and concise plan of action, HE SAID NOTHING OF VALUE! He instead used the opportunity to blame the public and threaten to penalize parents rather than address the root causes of the country’s crime problems. Now, with just over three months left in this year, the country is already on track to outpace the number of murders committed last year. In recent months the government’s lack of vision in addressing the crime problem has led to a decrease in public confidence in both the Royal Bahamas Police Force – which continues to do a yeoman’s job in managing the criminal element despite widespread political interference – as well as the judiciary, which continues to be plagued with a lack of resources.

It is against the backdrop of these startling realities that the Minister is demanding a pat on the back? Rather than accept the constructive public criticisms on this issue, both the substantive and junior Ministers have been nothing but DEFENSIVE. The idea that this government wants praise for doing THE JOB IT HAS BEEN MANDATED TO DO IS SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE!

In the wake of his distasteful remarks, the DNA calls for Dr. Nottage to issue a public apology to the people of this country and tender – with immediate effect - his resignation as the Minister responsible for National Security. HE HAS FAILED in his duties to the public. After so adamantly blasting the previous administration for its record on crime it appears that the PLP, like the FNM before it, is asleep at the wheel in the fight against crime. Dr. Nottage, and by extension THIS CHRISTIE GOVERNMENT, HAVE FAILED THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY. Just like they used the former Prime Minister Ingraham’s words in the last election campaign, the PLP is UNWORTHY of re-election.

The first responsibility of any government is the safety and security of its citizenry. That responsibility should not be taken lightly nor should those in leadership positions carry out their duties in anticipation of recognition or a pat on the back.

After years of tolerating governments which pay only lip service to addressing the many factors contributing to criminality in this country, the DNA is committed to full scale enforcement of laws on the books – both major and minor – without political interference.

Upon taking office the DNA will ensure that capital punishment is enforced. A DNA government will weed out corrupt or non-performing individuals.

Addressing other key issues such as substandard education, youth unemployment, and a lack of sustained youth intervention programs are all part of the DNA’s commitment to addressing crime and criminality across our archipelago. The future of our Bahamas depends on it.

Branville McCartney
DNA Leader

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