Bahamian Politics
DNA: The PHA Corruption and Cronyism!
By Branville McCartney Leader, Democratic National Alliance (DNA)
Oct 9, 2014 - 12:03:20 PM

A forensic report of pharmaceutical and medical supplies which found its way into the hands of the local media this week have renewed concerns about the blatant mismanagement of the country’s resources. The report which appeared as a lead story in the local dailies, revealed the “loss” of some ten million dollars from the Public Hospital’s Authority in addition to countless instances of alleged abuse and ineffective management controls which in effect led to the fleecing of the Bahamas Government.

The details revealed within the report suggest a level of dishonesty, collusion, and inattention which has unfortunately become synonymous with many government ministries and departments over the past many years. In the face of such blatant fraud, one would think that the government would have immediately enlisted the Royal Bahamas Police Force and other relevant authorities to bring those responsible to justice. Unfortunately in the days following the release of this damning information, government officials from both of the previous administrations have failed to give an account to the Bahamian people.

We have yet to hear from either of the past Ministers of Health, BOTH of whom now serve in the House of Assembly or the CURRENT Minister of health on the issue, this despite attempts by the local media to get comment.

The issue was finally raised in Parliament on Tuesday evening, and again, instead of taking responsibility for the gross misappropriation of public resources, many Bahamians watched in disgust as their elected officials passed the buck and played the blame game; neither side willing to take responsibility or provide a way forward to address the matter.

Mahatma Gandhi once said: “It is wrong and immoral to seek escape from the consequences of one’s acts”.

By those standards, Parliamentarians on both sides of the political divide have not only acted immorally on this issue but have YET AGAIN underscored the need for transparent and accountable governance in this country.

Ironically the argument between the country’s legislators erupted as government officials prepared to discuss the borrowing of more than 16 million dollars to fund the College of the Bahamas’ (COB) move to university status. As we lament the loss of millions from the government coffers, this administration is preparing to add to the national debt by borrowing EVEN MORE MONEY.

The Democratic National Alliance agrees that the funding of the country’s premier educational institution is extremely important. We cannot help but note however, that this decision comes just months after this Christie led administration CUT COB’s budget by a whopping 3.5 MILLION DOLLARS!

Clearly, the fiscal behavior of this administration leaves MUCH to be desired. Reckless and Wasteful spending by both previous administrations has left this country in a precarious financial situation. Now, in less than 100 days the government will implement VAT in an effort to earn more revenue. While the new tax will undoubtedly be a greater burden on already struggling families, what is STILL UNCERTAIN is the government’s ability to properly manage any additional revenue they collect. This PLP administration has already proven its inability to rein in spending and has FAILED miserably at enacting the necessary fiscal controls mandated by good governance.

NO GOVERNMENT AGENCY should be allowed to “LOSE” more than TEN MILLION in tax payer money. SOMEONE MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Starting with those in LEADERSHIP! We must be told WHO KNEW WHAT! WHEN THEY KNEW IT! AND WHAT ACTION OR LACK OF ACTION RESULTED FROM THAT KNOWLEDGE. The government must PROVE its commitment to the people of this country and ensure that this matter is NOT allowed to fade from public consciousness without resolution. It is the only way to restore faith in our system of governance and our leadership. OUR PEOPLE DESERVE THAT MUCH!

Branville McCartney

DNA Leader

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