Bahamian Politics
DNA: Two years For Freedom of Information is too Late!
By Branville McCartney, Leader, DNA
Jul 15, 2014 - 10:29:01 AM

While the country grapples with countless social ills, and the throes of a stagnant economy, we as a people are further forced to contend with an incompetent government who has proven time and time again that they do not have the growth and development of the country at the heart of their legislative agenda.

The Democratic National Alliance along with countless other organizations has led the call for a Freedom of Information Act as part of efforts to pull the country from the shadows of corruption and malfeasance. Unfortunately, secrecy and mystery continue to shroud the government’s dealings even as the people cry for greater accountability from its elected officials. Unfortunately, the government has chosen to stonewall its people by denying them access to key details on plans for forward development, even as our greatest ally, the United States of America, publicly questions the country’s commitment to transparency and accountability in governance.

The DNA was most disappointed by this PLP government’s forecast that it would take up to two years to complete the amendments needed for the Freedom of Information Bill to be enacted. This important piece of legislation has already been allowed to languish in Parliament for two years since the former Free National Movement Administration passed the bill in 2012. It should be noted that during the debate in March 2012 the PLP who was the opposition at the time had an opportunity to review the draft legislation and made suggested amendments at that time. The PLP subsequently stated during its campaign that they would implement a proper Freedom of Information Act! They now say that they need two more years to effect the necessary amendments to the bill. This would then give the PLP almost 4 years from March 2012 when they first reviewed it to 2016 to determine a proper Freedom of Information Act. This government can only be described as talking fool.

More than 90 countries around the world have already enacted some form of freedom of information resulting in enhanced democracies.

The Christie administration has ignored countless recommendations even by their own hired experts to immediately implement the legislation particularly ahead of the onset of VAT. After more than two years in office, this government is only now assembling a committee to consult with the necessary government agencies. Certainly, such behavior is not indicative of a government that is committed to transparency or accountability.

It does however demonstrate an unprecedented level of incompetence for which this administration has become known. A responsible government would not create excuses about why the legislation cannot be implemented. A responsible government would see the current legislation – flawed as it might be – as a workable first step and pump all of its efforts into correcting the deficiencies which exist. This administration must not be allowed to continue its pattern of incompetence, secrecy and lies. Elected officials must be made to account for every action they take in the name of our developing democracy. Two years is far too long a wait for the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act. The government must prove its commitment to real democracy, prove that it is prepared to meet the mandates of its people head on and prove that it is committed to FREEDOM OF INFORMATION.

Branville McCartney
DNA Leader

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