Bahamian Politics
DNA: Where is the Outrage by Bahamians?
By Branville McCartney, Leader, Democratic National Alliance (DNA)
Jan 18, 2015 - 3:06:15 PM

Noted Author Lisa Borden once wrote: “If you aren’t outraged, then you just aren’t paying attention”. On January 1, Bahamians around the country got a wake-up call and for the first time many individuals started paying attention to the current state of affairs in our small nation.

As Bahamians, we must all be asking ourselves: how did we get here? How did we get to the point where we now boast a staggering crime rate, illegal immigration concerns, record unemployment, a stagnant economy and now, an increased tax burden despite a failure to properly collect current outstanding taxes?

For the past 25 years, wastage within the public sector, poor resource management, corruption and cronyism coupled with a lack of transparency and accountability have been allowed to slowly wear away at the fabric of our economy. Successive governments have failed to introduce new industries as a means of economic diversification. So far, the country’s political directorate have shown a lack of real leadership and a lack of vision in plotting the way forward. Rather than investing in people, this government has ignored the potential within the country’s human capital, choosing instead to encourage the sort of color blind devotion which continues to spur petty political intrigue.

Even as the rest of the world moves toward a 22nd century outlook, the Bahamas’ growth and development continues to be strangled by exorbitant energy costs, a lack of food security, an apparent lack of discipline on the part of public officials and an overall sense of lack of law and order; all of which are symptoms of the disease of BAD GOVERNANCE. The high cost of doing business, and the even higher cost of living are just some indicators of the level of mal-administration we have had to endure.

This administration, like the ones before it, have squandered their God given opportunity to provide Bahamians with honest and effective representation. At a time when our great nation could be moving to first world status, our leaders have exhibited a third world mentality which continues to thwart any hope of change and advancement. Bahamians, something must be done!

As the future government of this country, the DNA will work to bring improved efficiency to the public service first through the implementation of a Parliamentary Code of Conduct to keep public officials ACCOUNTABLE. A DNA plan would also move to address years of fiscal irresponsibility by collecting outstanding taxes and constraining government wastage and unnecessary spending; as well as the establishment of National Procurement Agency to oversee the transparent awarding of government contracts to avoid more instances of cronyism and government favoritism.

The DNA’s efforts to expand and grow the country’s economy would be two fold. Key to improving the state of the economy is the empowerment of Bahamians. A DNA government would move to empower MORE Bahamians by ensuring that our economy gets to the point so that we can increase the minimum wage and by making crown ownership a reality through the introduction of a National Land Bureau. While previous governments have opted to offer major concession to international investors, a DNA administration would offer key incentives to small local enterprises with a view to helping those businesses flourish. Eliminating the red tape of doing business in this country is essential for the encouragement of business growth. It is indeed our quest to see Bahamian owners of the economy. We are not just satisfied with Bahamians “getting jobs” but we see in the future Bahamians providing jobs. An overall reduction in the cost of electricity will also act as a stimulus to encourage new small businesses while making it easier for current operations to stay afloat. Education is key and the enhancement of our educational system is a must. Indeed, we in the DNA believe that a good education ought to be a right for all Bahamians and not a privilege for a few.

Clearly, the advent of Value Added Tax, coupled with the revelations of last year’s unemployment figures have pushed the issue of government mismanagement by consecutive administrations to the fore, still however, the level out outrage which we, the public should be expressing, seems tempered by political allegiances.

Now more than ever, we as a people should be disgusted, frustrated, and OUTRAGED at the conditions now facing our small country. Now more than ever we as a people should be SPURRED TO ACTION and begin readying ourselves for change for the better of this country. No longer can we sit idly by and allow the unscrupulous political element to ruin our country. We must all take a long hard look at conditions we now face and CHOOSE: COUNTRY OVER SELF! We must all come to realize that if we are not part of the solution, then we are in fact a part of the problem. Bahamians…stand up for your country!

Branville McCartney

DNA Leader


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