Bahamian Politics
Dr. Minnis Remarks at FNM Rally South Abaco - May 2nd
By The Free National Movement
May 2, 2017 - 9:03:47 PM

Remarks by Honorable Dr. Hubert Minnis, Leader of the Free National Movement at South Abaco Rally Tuesday 2 May 2017:
South Abaco; F-N-Ms:
Good evening. It is good to be back in South Abaco.

Are you ready for change? Are you sick and tired of the PLP? Last night we were in North Abaco and tonight I am confident we are taking all Two in Abaco!!! TWINS IN ABACO!!! ABACO IS ALL RED!!

Abaco; FNMs:
As I did last night,    I wish to first recognize and pay tribute to my predecessor as Leader of the FNM. In Hubert Ingraham you had an excellent Member of Parliament. In Hubert Ingraham we all had an excellent Prime Minister. On behalf of the entire Free National Movement I thank him for his extraordinary service to Abaco and to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

The PLP is the party of big talk and very little action. After he lost in 2007, Perry Christie said he was sorry about mistakes made. But we all know the only thing he was sorry about was that he was fired by the people. People who make mistakes should learn from those mistakes. If he was really sorry back then, he wouldn’t be making the same mistakes now.

If he was really sorry back then, he would have fired Brave Davis, V. Alfred Gray,     and Jerome Fitzgerald, for the dishonor they brought to the country over the last five years. Many times people only say sorry when they get caught. BUT, I AGREE WITH KB.  IT’S TOO LATE FOR THE PLP TO SAY SORRY NOW!!!!

It's too late for the PLP to say sorry for failing to open your new hospital in a timely manner. It's too late for the PLP to say sorry for all the broken promises they made during the North Abaco by-election. It’s too late for them to say sorry for Jerome Fitzgerald begging a developer for cash and for all kinds of contracts.

Don’t forget how Jerome Fitzgerald obtained and then illegally read people’s private emails in the House of Assembly. By the way, Christie only said sorry for sticking his middle finger up at the Bahamian people because someone took a picture. If there wasn’t a picture, he never would have apologized.

A couple of weeks after he stuck up his vulgar middle finger he used obscene language in front of students at the University of  The Bahamas.  Then he tried to say he was sorry.     The truth is that Christie and the PLP ain’t sorry for nothing. If they get five more years they will be even worse. If they get five more years you can kiss our country goodbye.

They don’t know the meaning of “sorry”!  It’s too late for the PLP to say sorry!  It’s time to vote them out. It’s too late to say sorry to the thousands of Bahamians who lost their jobs; even though the PLP promised 10,000 jobs in their first year. IT’S TOO LATE TO SAY SORRY NOW!!!!!

The sad truth is that the highest period of unemployment ever experienced in the history of The Bahamas occurred not under just any PLP administration. It happened under THIS PLP administration. It happened on Perry Christie’s watch!

As you well know, unemployment went up here in Abaco. It’s too late to say sorry for wasting millions upon millions of VAT money. Perry Christie promised to tell us where the VAT money gone. Of course he never did.  I EVEN WONDER IF HE KNOWS WHERE THE MONEY GONE. THE PLP HAS DONE MORE DAMAGE THAN HURRICANE MATTHEW.  We have experienced four downgrades, sinking the country into junk bond status.

It’s too late for the PLP to say sorry for thinking about selling off potentially 20,000 acres of land in Andros to foreigners. It’s too late to say sorry for planning to give away the right to foreigners to fish out our waters.

It’s too late to say sorry for going against the results of the gambling referendum.     Christie acts more like a dictator than a democrat.  It’s too late for the PLP to say sorry for spying on Bahamians through the National Intelligence Agency – an illegal entity.  They are running their former spymaster as one of their candidates. TELL THE PLP IT’S TOO LATE TO SAY SORRY NOW!!!!

The PLP is now saying that they are the party of change.  Sometimes if you don’t laugh; you’ll cry.  Well, all we could do is laugh at the PLP.  Perry Christie has been in politics for 40 years….40 YEARS!!! AND SLEEPING PERRY CHRISTIE, is literally sleeping on the job.
The FNM will introduce legislation to enact a two-term limit for Prime Minister. No longer will we have Prime Ministers sleeping on the job.

Christie may be many things.  But he is no change agent. And he certainly isn’t change you can believe in. LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY.  A VOTE FOR THE PLP IS A VOTE FOR THE SAME, TIRED; CORRUPT; INCOMPETENT; VICTIMIZING, party that we have suffered under for years.  If you put them back in office there is one thing I can guarantee -- it will be more of the same.  The truth is, in this election.

I am the only leader who has a real chance of providing the change our country needs.  I am a transformational leader.  

No longer will the Prime Minister be the sole individual to call an election date. The FNM will introduce fixed dates for the General elections so that all political parties and the general public will be adequately prepared. We will introduce a recall system for none performing parliamentarians.

My brothers and sisters, in a few days and, by the grace of God, CHANGE IS COMING TO THE BAHAMAS!!!! IT’S THE PEOPLE’S TIME NOW.

The PLP refuses to be accountable to the people.  

I WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF MY GOVERNMENT.  The FNM will be accountable for how we spend your money.
I will introduce campaign and party funding legislation along with tougher public disclosure legislation for parliamentarians. All major government contracts will be published in the dailies.  I will hold, and I will insist that FNM Members of Parliament hold town hall meetings with their constituents.  Unlike the corrupt and victimizing PLP, we will ensure that major contracts go through the tendering process. The PLP granted over $20 million in contracts in Andros without submitting them to a proper tendering process. The PLP is not the party of change.

As your prime minister, I WILL BE YOUR AGENT OF CHANGE!!!

When I became Leader of the FNM I put together a new generation of leaders for the FNM.  I am proud that the FNM has a vibrant new team of leaders along with some experienced in government.  I am especially proud of James Albury, THE NEXT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR Central and South  ABACO, and Darren Henfield, THE NEXT MEMBER OF PARLIANMENT FOR NORTH  ABACO. They are your change agents in Abaco. They are impressive young men and will serve Abaco well. They are a part of a new generation of leaders.

On May 10th by the help of the Almighty, I will be privileged to lead a new era of reform and modernization.

Abaco, as Prime Minister, I will bring in a new era of Education Reform. All of your students who qualify will be allowed to attend the University of The Bahamas free of charge. They will also be assisted with accommodations and provided with a monthly stipend to assist with living costs.

We have committed to a new era reform and modernization in local government.  We will also amend existing legislation and policies to enhance and increase the authority of Family Island Local Government.

Abaco, the goal of my FNM government will be to ensure that every government service available in New Providence is made available here for the benefit of residents of Abaco.

To protect the local poultry market and farm products, first and foremost all government agencies and institutions i.e. hospitals; prison; schools; and, Ministries will be required to purchase and utilize all local Bahamian grown products as a part of their menu.

To ensure regular flow of farm products, my FNM government will introduce a Crop Forecasting Information System.

We will also introduce and enforce a Coral Reef Protection Act.

It is crucial that you have the ability to make decisions for your own economic growth.  A proportionate amount of resources collected from your island should remain here for your islands development.  And each island will be encouraged to form its own economic council to guide and drive your own economic future.

I know for Abaco this is especially important. Abaco, I believe in advancing your second home market to benefit more Bahamians and will provide incentives to stimulate your construction industry even more.     Abaco is ripe, to develop the second home rental industry similar to the website

We will create incentives and protections to allow Bahamians to take full advantage of this lucrative industry.  ABACO, you know the value of land ownership.  Land is a major requirement for wealth creation and economic empowerment. LAND REFORM IS HARD BUT IT MUST BE DONE. The FNM will introduce a Land Registry.

Every Bahamian is entitled to land ownership. The vexing problems associated with generation and commonage lands will also be addressed.
Abaco is uniquely situated to take advantage of a more sustainable model of tourism; especially in terms of boutique hotels, eco and heritage tourism, and small hotels powered fully by renewable energy.

Brothers and Sisters:

Change is coming to The Bahamas.  On behalf of James Albury and Darren Henfield, I ask for your support for our FNM candidates.     We have only eight more days to victory and I call on every Bahamian to go out on Eelection day and vote for the Free National Movement candidate.

Let us join hands and hearts to usher in a new day for our Bahamaland.  The long national nightmare is coming to an end.  Let us look to the horizon and the dawn of a new day.  “Lift up your heads to the rising sun.”  

I say to the Royal Bahamas Police Force; do not be fooled by the Prime Minister in respect to paying your 20M in overtime. The court had already ruled in your favor, and this same PLP government did not agree.  Instead, the PLP was appealing the ruling.  Now -- only because of election, the PLP is making more promises.  How many other rulings in favor of Bahamians is this PLP government appealing?

Your FNM Government respects the Bahamian Judiciary. We will ensure that your money is paid.  IT’s NOW THE PEOPLE’S TIME
Thank you and God bless you and our Bahamas.  Good night.

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