Bahamian Politics
Dr. Minnis Responds to PM's Comments On Crime
By The Free National Movement
Mar 22, 2017 - 9:47:22 AM

Dr. Minnis, Leader of the Free National Movement (FNM), issued the following statement on the Prime Minister’s latest comments regarding the growing crime epidemic:

“'Perceived increase in crime'? ‘Madness that has seemed to grip our county’? Prime Minister Christie’s and Minister Nottage’s words, not ours. Words matter and actions matter even more and the two of them prove they just don’t get it. Mr. Christie should know, to Bahamians terrified to leave their homes at night, it doesn’t ‘seem’ like a crime epidemic – there is one. The senseless murders gripping our streets are not ‘perceived’ like Minister Nottage suggests, they are real. Especially for the victims and their families.”

“Five long years ago Perry Christie and the PLP ran on pledge to get crime under control.

But regardless of their campaign promise the record shows they have made little to no progress in addressing our crime problem, in fact it has only grown worse with each passing year. Even with 600 murders under their watch and attempted murders, robberies and sexual assaults on the rise, they still use code words to downplay the growing threat they have failed to address. Instead they have spent five years castigating anyone that questioned their failed efforts even as foreign countries like Canada and the United States recognized the severity of the issue, and issued travel advisories warning their citizens of the wave crime in our country.”

“Even more sadly, as the Prime Minister has come around to acknowledge the publics’ growing concerns and fears of late he has only taken on the role of spectator – seemingly surprised at how bad this epidemic has gotten. While we all applaud his new found empathy, he must understand he was elected five years ago to fix the problem, not just comment on it. His lack of action is tragically startling in its ineffectiveness and begs the question as to why anyone would risk another five years under his absent leadership on this critical issue.”

“The FNM understands crime is a multi-tiered problem that doesn’t lend itself to simple fixes or easy solutions. It will take hard work and commitment at many levels for many years. We have a team that includes law enforcement officials that have worked to develop a comprehensive, constructive anti-crime plan that will put a priority on making our communities and neighbourhoods safe and secure. It’s a true holistic approach that seeks to increase enforcement, toughen penalties and reform our bail system, a first immediate step. The next step includes working with the members of the community and to place a focus on education so that younger Bahamians have more choices and opportunities in their life, so crime becomes less and less of an alternative. Where action is required we will act, and we will do it with the sense of urgency it deserves because after nearly five years of empty rhetoric and broken promises the people deserve nothing less from their Government.”

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