Bahamian Politics
Dr. Minnis on "The Prime Minister’s Baha Mar Debacle"
By Dr. Hubert Minnis, Leader of the Opposition
May 26, 2016 - 5:09:27 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - The following is a statement by the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis:

Once again the Prime Minister has failed to meet the expectations of the Bahamian people when he addressed the ongoing Baha Mar debacle in parliament yesterday. Sadly, the people have heard this all before. What we received was an overly optimistic claim that they were making progress on crafting a deal that would get Baha Mar back on track. The problem is that his address was void of details, and we all know that the devil is in the detail.

The Prime Minister's lack of transparency by hiding the details from the Bahamian people is not shocking because as the election draws nearer we all know that he and the rest of the PLP will do and say anything to get re- elected. In fact, the Prime Minister’s communication yesterday sounded a lot like their campaign plan in 2012. They are still promising to bring mortgage relief, which they have failed to do for four years. They promised to fix the NHI in 2012 and four years later they still promise that it is a priority but again gave no details. While patting themselves on the back for lowering the deficits they failed to take responsibility for adding more than $1.6 billion to the national debt in the past three years. Where is all the progress that they talk about? Where are all the plans for the projects that they are going to undertake? After four years of a PLP government all the people have is a series of empty rhetoric and broken promises.

Specifically on the Baha Mar the Prime Minister failed to tell us any details. He could not tell us what promises he made to the Chinese Government or what concessions he had to make. He did not tell us a timeline for the project or if there would be any immediate jobs for Bahamians instead of the Chinese. The only thing he really said was trust me we have a plan, that sounds awfully familiar to what he said in 2012 and look where that got us.

This government does not have a true plan to get Baha Mar opened. If they did they would be willing to be transparent with the people throughout the negotiations. What they are willing to give is more false hope and empty rhetoric. Sadly this is what the Bahamian people have come to expect. The people deserve better than what they have been receiving for the past four years. This PLP government cannot, and will not change so we must change who controls the government.

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