Bahamian Politics
Elkanah Pinder Convention Speech: Putting Grand Bahamians Back to Work
Sep 30, 2016 - 10:17:46 AM

Upon making the decision to put myself forward for frontline politics, I thought long and hard about what the people on the Island of Grand Bahama Island, and most importantly what the people of EAST GRAND BAHAMA want and need most of all. In moving around the island, I’ve seen and spoken with people of all walks of life, Young people, the elderly, Mothers and Fathers, single people and married people and by the far, the thing that people want most is an opportunity.

Ladies and Gentlemen in the last decade GB has experienced the worst economic downturn in the history of our nation. For the past ten years, Grand Bahama has suffered at the hands of neglectful governments who have paid only lip service to the idea of real development for this island. Unemployment has skyrocketed and the thousands of jobs which were promised are either handed out as political favors or simply DO NOT EXIST!

But tonight! That the DNA’s mission with the help of myself and my esteemed Colleagues is to get Grand Bahamians back to work!

Accomplishing this goal will require a multi-faceted approach that does not look at Bahamians as simply employees and potential workers but also as owners and entrepreneurs.

Your next DNA government will ensure that such skills are taught at every level of Education. Empowering young people to become self-reliant is at the core of the DNA philosophy. Outside of the traditional classroom environment, Small and Medium Sized business owners will finally receive the kind of support needed to launch their startups or grow their current businesses. The DNA proposes a close and hands on partnership with the Grand Bahama Port Authority to make such resources available for businesses operating within the city of Freeport while working with the Chamber of Commerce to ensure that small businesses in East GB and West GB receive the kind of support and concessions to make their operations viable and competitive.

As the next government of the Bahamas, the DNA will through COB, BTVI and the National Training Agency, ensure the provision of ongoing training programs in 21st century skills and areas specifically relevant to the island’s development. This will in the medium and long term ensure that Bahamians remain qualified for any and all job opportunities which come along. The next step ladies and gentlemen would be to ensure that once qualified, these individuals are actually being HIRED!

Earlier tonight, your heard my colleague and fellow Grand Bahamian Leslie Lightbourne, talk about the need for greater collaboration between the departments of labor and immigration. This is a move I FULLY ENDORSE! In fact, As the Next MP for East GB I will push for the creation of a National Jobs Database which would first, categorize employment opportunities in various sectors and second, allow qualified Bahamians who have submitted their credentials to the department of labor, the opportunity to be interviewed for those positions.

My fellow Bahamians, the potential for economic rejuvenation on GBI is not just a pie in the sky dream but a very attainable goal! But getting Grand Bahamians back to work will take more than just talk. It will require real planning, administrative oversight and Collaboration. It will take a government serious about making its people not just employable but also empowered to employ others!

Most importantly, it will take action…now! Grand Bahama Island cannot wait another decade for CHANGE. The many talented and qualified young men and women that make up the workforce in Freeport cannot wait for another election season handout. What they require is hand up, what they deserve is an opportunity what they will get is the DNA!!!! Thank You! God Bless You! Good Night!

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