Bahamian Politics
Roberts: A few simple questions for FNM Chair Sidney Collie
Apr 18, 2016 - 10:27:32 AM

Statement by Bradley B. Roberts National Chairman Progressive Liberal Party on 17th April 2016:

Before Mr. Collie starts throwing his self-righteous stones, I must quickly remind him that it was in fact the handiwork of Bobo and Toggie, two criminal ‘gangsters’ who are primarily responsible for his chairmanship today. These criminal gangsters worked with his successor Michael Pintard, caused his political demise and in so doing created the opportunity for Collie’s political return and ignoble rise to the chairmanship of the FNM.

What is dubious distinction for Mr. Collie.

It was not Mr. Collie’s distinction in public service or his deft administrative and organizational skills that got him the FNM Chairmanship. As a matter of fact, when Mr. Collie was required by law to organize local government elections as per his portfolio, he too had to resign in disgrace after the Supreme Court ruled that he and his FNM cabinet colleagues had broken the law.

Bahamians understand very well why former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Minister publicly expressed his disappointment with the choices presented for the post of FNM Chairman.

Thrown into the mix was the fact that the leader of the FNM met with the persons he characterized as “gangsters” on three occasions and they even visited Dr. Minnis at his home, bringing him fish. Mr. Collie would do well to fully explore the facts of the relationship between his leader and these criminals and the activities of the Save the Bays organization before he decides to throw stones.

Collie is well advised to get to the bottom of why members of the FNM parliamentary caucus are fighting vigorously to protect the information of members of Save the Bays and against the preservation of long held and constitutionally guaranteed parliamentary privileges? Why is it that the FNM feels it to be in their best interest to protect Save the Bays? Perhaps Collie should answer that question.

Concerning his reference eccentric billionaires – there are two known billionaires in Lyford Cay – both of whom have publicly revealed their financial support for both the PLP and FNM, but the FNM could not bring itself to confirm these assertions. Brensil Rolle’s feeble attempt in the media to answer this lingering question was laughable at best. Since Collie has branded himself as the FNM’s knight in shining armor who rode into town to save the day, perhaps Collie should answer this question.

My unsolicited advice to Mr. Collie is this: until you can honestly answer these important and serious lingering questions confronting your party and in light of the circumstances surrounding your exit and return to politics, I advise you to sit small my brother because neither you or your organization possesses the moral authority to throw stones or cast aspersions at the PLP.

The house of the FNM by all indications is built of cheap glass.

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