Bahamian Politics
Roberts responds to Dr. Minnis statement on Baha Mar
By Bradley Roberts, National Chairman, PLP
Feb 2, 2017 - 11:44:41 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - The following is a statement by Bradley Roberts, National Chairman, the Progressive Liberal Party:

Another day, another reality-challenged statement from Hubert Minnis. Yes, it’s Groundhog Day, and it’s all so familiar – the deception, the hysteria, the delusion.

Hubert Minnis sees every positive act for The Bahamas as hurting his political chances, so he is now actively rooting against his own country and his fellow citizens.

On Baha Mar, he’s been wrong every time.

He said there was no deal. But then he saw that mobilization was underway.

He said that the money wouldn’t come, or that it wouldn’t come in time.

But the money came, and the payments were made, and relief was brought to the thousands of Bahamians who were left with nothing when the previous owner filed for bankruptcy under the sanctuary of another country. Mr. Minnis supported this move despite being against Bahamian interests.

Now he says the deal is in doubt.
Mr Minnis is wrong again: there’s no doubt at all.

Just days after the new owners of Baha Mar announced that the process of employing thousands of Bahamians is underway, and that the first guests are due in April, Dr. Minnis is trying to scare Bahamians who need those jobs.

Mr. Minnis: make contact with reality. Try talking to the Bahamian contractors and employees who are engaged, for starters.

In the last few years, Bahamians have seen the lengths Mr. Minnis will go to and the people he will hurt to support his bid for power. This is nothing new.

If he wished to understand the details of this complex, multi-billion dollar agreement with a first-class hotel operator, he would have accepted our offer to have him fully briefed on the details. But he did not take up the offer. Because if he had he would not have been able to misrepresent the true position to the people.

He must show better judgement, and stop surrounding himself with the cronies of the failed developer of Baha Mar. It is not for me to give him political advice, but let me say this: Ignorance is not an asset; you’re supposed to be rooting for Bahamian success, not against it.

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