Bahamian Politics
Saint Barnabas PLP candidate, Cheryl Bazard ratification remarks
Feb 26, 2017 - 2:44:57 AM

Acceptance Remarks By Cheryl Bazard PLP Candidate For Saint Barnabas Ratification Ceremony at PLP Headquarters24 February 2017

Mr. Party Leader and Prime Minister, the Rt. Honourable Perry G. Christie and Mrs. Christie, Deputy Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Philip Davis and Mrs. Davis, Chairman Mr. Bradley Roberts and Mrs. Roberts, Stalwart Councilors, this Progressive Liberal Party, my fellow citizens of this great nation:

With a deep awareness of the responsibility conferred by your trust, I accept your nomination as Candidate for the constituency of St. Barnabas. I do so with deep gratitude.

I wish to acknowledge the presence of my husband Dr. Dante Bazard, my Major and Bazard family and friends and the great people of St. Barnabas who have come to share this night with me.  My sons are joining me via social media. Hello Dante, Denzel and D’Andrei.

More than anything else, I want my candidacy and eventual election as the Member of Parliament for St. Barnabas to resurrect the prominence and cultural currency of St. Barnabas.  We must not forget that the first branch formed in the Progressive Liberal Party was done in the heart of “the Grove” by Mr.  Richard Ferguson, a merchant, in January 1954 where the programme, principles and policies of the PLP were accepted.

I am very proud of the achievements of the government over the past five (5) years in the introduction, in some cases, and the continuation, in others, of positive programs for solving the nation's problems.  On Wednesday, I sat at the Urban Renewal’s Urban Community Uplifting Service on the Cynthia “Mother” Pratt park on 2nd street, the Grove and felt a sense of community that I have not experienced since childhood.  It took me back to the days when adorned in the yellow blouse and plaid jumper of Mable Walker Primary School that we shared our lunches in school and walked home together as we recounted the events of the school day.  I saw the heart of compassion of a leader who conceived the idea of an Urban Renewal and I heard the echoing of scripture that if you do this to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.

I want my candidacy to renew the Bahamian spirit and sense of purpose. Many persons have cast off this inner city area as “out of control” and incapable of producing stellar citizens of this Commonwealth nation.  I dare to think differently. I think of the Shandira’s and others in Young Street who have created events for the children of the area and we will join hand in hand with them to continue the work that has begun.

Even against the backdrop of a challenged economy and crime, our two (2) biggest areas of concern, I am of the view that there is enough fight in us to build and grow.  I reject the naysayers who say that the Bahamian people no longer have the will to cope with their problems; that the future will be one of sacrifice and few opportunities. I utterly reject that view.

I know that many people in our country are hurting and I know there is great work to be done.

However, St Barnabas we are a constituency where hard times have developed people with strength of character.

We are a constituency full of proud families and open homes.

We are a constituency of talent that has produced basketball greats, such as our revered Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, coaches, teachers, doctors, merchants, lawyers, tailors (who could forget Preston “Par Bay” Rolle) and artisans.

We are a constituency of high achievement and potential. In our constituency, there lies many educational institutions including the University of The Bahamas where the objects and aims are helping to propel the Bahamas to higher realms of possibility.

We are a constituency where we already have what it takes to make positive changes happen. It is now up to us as a party to create the opportunities.

My priorities are clear:

To empower youth and encourage youth development, through civic, sporting, academics, business and life skills.

To revitalize our community, through community building initiatives like gardening, regular socials and neighborhood beautification.

To foster entrepreneurship, through an annual St. Barnabas festival, where the people of the constituency can showcase and sell their Bahamian made goods.

These are just few of the goals we have for St Barnabas. The rest of the plans will come from you. I am here to listen to you and to learn from you.

Together, let us make this a new beginning. Let us make a commitment to care for the needy; to teach our children the values and the virtues handed down to us by our families; to have the courage to defend those values and the willingness to sacrifice for them.

Let us pledge to restore, in our time, the Bahamian spirit of  community and neighbor hoods, voluntary service, of cooperation, of private and community initiatives and partnerships; a spirit that is as deep as the many deep blue holes coursing through our country.

Work and family are at the center of our lives; the foundation of our dignity as a  people; a proud people!

For those without skills, we'll find a way to help them get skills.

For those without job opportunities, we'll stimulate new opportunities.

We may be hard pressed on every side but we are not crushed; we have a date with destiny.

Tonight, I pledge myself.  I dedicate myself.

This will take us working together. I ask you tonight to volunteer your help in this cause.

We have been called for such a time as this.  The baton has been handed over and we will dive for the gold!

Good evening, God Bless You and God Bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


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