Bahamas Information Services Updates
Annual Sandilands Geriatric Hospital Push-A-Thon - April 28
By Public Hospitals Authority
Apr 26, 2018 - 2:35:26 PM


Mobility and Fitness being promoted to reduce Obesity, Alzheimer’s and Dementia in the elderly at the annual Sandilands Geriatric Hospital Push-A-thon

Nassau, Bahamas - Dr. Indira Grimes, Consultant in the Geriatrics Hospital, Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre recently appeared on the Guardian Radio Talk Show Connected with host Lester Cox. Dr. Grimes spoke to the issues of "Obesity in the elderly" while promoting the upcoming Annual Geriatric Hospital Push-A-thon hosted by the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. That event is scheduled for Saturday 28th April, 2018 at 6.30am.

Dr. Grimes launched this healthy lifestyle initiative in 2012, after realizing that the importance of exercise, mobility and fitness was not being emphasized as it should particularly in the lives of geriatric patients.  She attributed it to the lack of information on the benefits of exercise and mobility, in the prevention and improved the status of persons living with chronic diseases.

Some studies have linked regular physical activity as a factor in reducing the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, by as much as 50% in some patients. Those same studies suggest that brain cells benefit by increasing blood and oxygen flow in the brain; because of its known cardiovascular benefits, a medically approved exercise program is also a valuable part of any overall wellness plan.

This year, a special exercise session will be held on campus during the Push-A-Thon for persons who cannot participate in the flagship event. The Push-A-Thon begins at 6:30am on Saturday April 28th, 2018. Minister of Health Dr. the Honourable Duane E. Sands is expected to take part in the event. All persons are welcomed to participate in the worthy healthcare initiative.


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