Bahamas Information Services Updates
BAMSI and Cyber Tech Partner
May 20, 2021 - 4:30:39 PM


Nassau, Bahamas - Almost 20 staff members of the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) in New Providence and Andros, recently received certificates of completion from CyberTech Community College, an initiative that was promoted and sponsored by BAMSI.

The seven-week programs taken during the Winter semester represent hundreds of hours of study in an array of courses from CyberTech's Personal Development platform including; 'The Effective Supervisor', 'Internet Marketing and E-Commerce', 'Business Etiquette and Communications' and 'Perfecting the Art of Customer Service'.


As an educational Institute itself, BAMSI's management team is keenly aware of the importance of allowing team members to continuously develop and upgrade themselves from a professional and personal perspective. They are committed to making employee development a priority, and ensuring that team members constantly grow their skill set and evolve at the same pace as the relevant industry and economic sectors evolve around them

And while this has been an ongoing initiative, BAMSI staffers were able to take advantage of the newly implemented work dynamic put in place following the emergence of the CoronaVirus. With more focus on social distancing, working remotely and flexible scheduling, a greater number of associates were able to participate in the continuing education courses at the same time.

The partnership with CyberTech is expected to continue as a number of staff members are also enrolled in the College's Spring semester.


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