Bahamas Information Services Updates
Bahamas statement on the passing of ANR Robinson, former PM and President of Trinidad and Tobago
Apr 9, 2014 - 3:45:51 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - The following is  a statement from Hon. Fred Mitchell Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration:

The Bahamas has learned with sadness and regret of the passing of a great Caribbean statesman in A N R Robinson. The former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and former President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago takes with him a history of a fight for democracy and for international justice and peace.

Mr. Robinson led his country though an interesting period, putting together a coalition which ruled the country. During his time as Prime Minister he was held at gunpoint by those dedicated to threatening the government and the state. He survived and later he served as President.

He was a leader and pioneer in the formation of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

He has passed away, he lived a full life and the Caricom region is all the better for his life of service.

Prime Minister Perry Christie's condolences have been communicated by diplomatic note to the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.

May he rest in peace.

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