Bahamas Information Services Updates
EMT Travels to EMS EXPO
Dec 8, 2018 - 5:22:26 PM

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PHA, Paramedic Supervisor with the National Emergency Medical Services (NEMS) Fredrick Johnson III joined nearly 6,000 participants from more than 50 countries at the EMS World Expo, held this year in Nashville, Tennessee. The 5-day expo which combines workshops and conference sessions over five days is the largest emergency medical services dedicated event in the world.

The Expo aims to  provide the training that increases the quality of patient care; with a focus on progressive curriculum and technology.  Johnson who met fellow EMS professionals from Denmark, Calgary, California, and Iowa among others said he was overwhelmed with the offerings, “Gaining a wealth of knowledge pertinent to the diverse field of EMS was extraordinary,” Johnson said, “especially the way in which this field excels in technology, innovative ideas, practices, education and critical assessment care.”  

Paramedic Johnson earned a total of 19.5 CAPCE (Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education) continuing education hours and an additional  17.5 Nursing CEHs.  He encourages others in NEMS to take advantage of opportunities like the EMS World Expo for further international exposure and training.  “This opportunity provided me with the validation regarding the importance of using international modules as a guideline to develop and redevelop EMS here in the Bahamas.”

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