Bahamas Information Services Updates
Grand Bahama Students Encouraged to Be the Bridge to a Brighter Future
By Robyn Adderley, BIS
Nov 27, 2014 - 5:03:04 PM

Minister for Grand Bahama, Dr. the Hon. Michael Darville, addressed the students of Grace Christian Academy during their Thanksgiving Service on Thursday. Shown during the service are Pastor Audley Swain and Mrs. Swain. (BIS Photo: Philip A. Curry)

FREEPORT, Bahamas – Minister for Grand Bahama, Dr. the Hon. Michael Darville, on Thursday encouraged students of Grace Christian Academy to strive for excellence and believe in themselves. The Minister addressed them during the school’s Thanksgiving Service.

He opened with a poem written by a nine-year-old:

First we give thanks for the food that we are given
Then we give thanks for the homes that we live in

Then we give thanks for the sky, sun and moon above

But mostly we give thanks for the people we love!

He said the poem expresses what the child is thankful for, and Thursday, a day of Thanksgiving, was important to give God thanks for his many blessings.

“Each of us,” he said, “are alive and healthy, have food, clothing, family, friends and teachers who love us, and for this we are to be thankful.”

Minister Darville then took the children through an exercise of thanking Him for their parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, uncles, aunts and cousins, pastors, principal and teachers, neighbours and friends, doctors and dentists, for a roof over their heads, a good education, their playground and school, clothes, shoes and food, for keeping them safe, health and strength, long life, for their toys, pets, Christmas presents, and for all His blessings. After each thing, the children were encouraged to respond, “Thank you Lord.”

The Minister then thanked the administrators of the school for contributing to the lives of the children of Grand Bahama, but particularly those in the Pineridge Constituency. He said, “I admonish you to continue to educate and mold our precious children for ‘life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege than the raising of the next generation’.”

In the spirit of giving thanks for their many blessings, a presentation was given to Ms. Brenda Bethel of Burrows House (second from left) during the Thanksgiving Service of Grace Christian Academy. Also shown from left are Pastor Audley Swain; Mrs. Betty McCartney, principal; and Minister for Grand Bahama, Dr. the Hon. Michael Darville. (BIS Photo: Philip A. Curry)

The students were then urged to strive for excellence and to believe in themselves. “Always remember that ‘whatever your mind conceives and your heart desires, you can achieve.’ I urge you to be actively involved in your school, church and community, and to make a positive difference. The best way you can show God, your parents, teachers how much you love and appreciate them is to make the right decisions, and be the best person that you can be.

“We are depending on each of you to be that bridge to a better and brighter future for our country.”

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