GB Chamber of Commerce
Grand Bahama Chamber congratulates Jumpstart awardees
Jan 30, 2012 - 12:22:34 AM

Freeport, Grand Bahama – The Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce under its new President, John Swain has chartered a course for 2011-2012 under the theme, ‘Reset, Restart, and Restore’.  A very gloomy business outlook with rough seas ahead has been painted for Grand Bahama over the past several years.  The GBCC as the premier organization that brings together the business community has taken the helm to guide businesses safely to shore with its various programs and initiatives.

To this end, The Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate the first 25 Grand Bahamians who recently received their Jumpstart Government Grant. Small Businesses as is frequently stated plays an integral role in boosting our economy. We look forward to 25 new businesses to open in short order and contribute to the much needed economic growth and development of the island. We encourage creativity in business as we continue to diversify our industries. The first issuance was focused on Tourism based businesses which we hope will contribute to better visitor experiences on the island, increase return visitors and tourism numbers as a whole for Grand Bahama. 

The Jumpstart Government Grant coupled with the Grand Bahama Port Authority’s business license exemption extension has come at an opportune time. As we begin 2012, it confirms our theme; ‘Reset, Restart, Restore’. To the business community, let us shake the dust of discouragement, despondency and disappointment and let us begin a new chapter of success stories. 

As our mandate, GBCC is here to provide resources and be your voice whether a small business or a conglomerate. At GBCC we understand the challenges of starting a business and sustaining a business. We encourage the recipients to make full use of the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce. Our projects, programs and initiatives are centered around building businesses on Grand Bahama.

Once again on behalf of the Board of Directors and our members, we congratulate the first 25 recipients of the Jumpstart Government Grant and we hope this becomes the impetus to birth other new businesses on Grand Bahama. 

The Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce is an action agency designed to meet community needs. It is a voluntary organization of individuals and businesses that band together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial, civic interests of a community. It is a civic clearinghouse, public relations counselor, a legislative representative at the local and national levels of government, an information bureau and a research and promotion medium.

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