Womens' Rights and the GOP
By Barbara Chester, Founder, GB Labyrinth
Mar 7, 2012 - 10:00:47 PM

Barbara Chester has been a resident of Grand Bahama Island since 1992, but a visitor since 1968. Her husband was a prominent developer in Freeport. She was born in Essex, England and also lives between England and France. She is the founder, creator of the Grand Bahama Labyrinth, and is a member of the International Labyrinth Society; a trained Veriditas facilitator (Chartres, France), student, explorer, servant, coach, and counsellor. Her passion for the truth and love of humanity and all creation fires her fighting spirit for rights and justice. A pilgrim to dozens of sacred sites and tracker of earth energy lines, she is currently studying sacred geometry. Photo: Claudette Dean

I am not American but I am A Woman;  with an intellectual curiosity, an inquiring mind and a passionate respect for TRUTH.

Living on the American side of The Pond, I have recently found myself deluged with American Politics, especially relating to the battle to represent the Republican Party in the next race for the White House.

I have not only been disgusted by the vast sums of money being expended by the contestants in slandering fellow Republicans, but also by what appears to be a focus in undermining all positive endeavours to help the healing of the people and the country by blocking or trying to repeal bills wherever possible!.  I am also aware that the U.S.A. does not have exclusivity in these tactics!

However, what really horrifies me are the expressed opinions and aims of candidates for presidential election:  Women of America; are you understanding the messages behind their words?

My incredulity arises from the audacious proposals of these Men, and the way in which they are received by Women about to be stripped of their Rights!  

Rights their Mothers and Grandmothers desperately fought for years to acquire     Women of America, do you not see that you are being manipulated by patriarchal controllers who suck your emotional energy to quiet their fear and feed their enormous Egos.   They use this very fear to blackmail you into situations which will add to their ownership of your very minds!  They are deviously seeking to remove all your rights of freedom of choice and set you on path which could ultimately cause your descent to a position of servitude as held by women in the middle ages:  slave +house-woman/cleaner + cook + pleaser and (generally unwilling) breeder.

Over time women have been abused in every way; they were forced to obey every whim of their husband-man.  They had no redress.  The only help they found was from the spiritual ‘healers’ who were hunted down and burned, drowned or crucified as witches.  These women were a threat to Man who was afraid of their power and challenged by their gifts; his was the law!

We’ve come a long way, but the backward slope is still a threat and now disguised by clever male artistry and oratory! Beware……compliance with silver-tongued persuasion to take the first step, is all that is needed to start the slide backward to Woman’s role as in the dark ages!

Can you not see the big flashing lights signalling DANGER over the following issues?

    •    Birth Control;  presently legal but not yet free. (May be made illegal)
    •    Abortion;  presently legal since 1973 (but destined for possible reversal)
    •    Female Medical necessities; available but not yet free, despite President Obama’s efforts.
    •    Protection against Abuse, Violence & Rape (The Act is presently existing, but is threatened)

All these are extremely important issues for WOMEN.  They were fought for.  These bills all allow for individual freedom.

Any woman, who prefers not to use Birth Control, is not obliged so to do; nor is she required by law to have an abortion.  If she chooses not to avail herself of medical supplies, that’s her choice and if she chooses not to report her husband’s abuse, rape or other brutality….so be it. 

I suggest that those bigoted, or mis-advised woman who want to restrict their sisters’ freedom of choice by legalising these bills to suit their personal agenda should search their souls or ask their God (not the Men in Government or Churches who have their personal agendas) for guidance.  Where is the understanding, compassion, and love taught by Jesus?  

Only our Divine Creator can truly understand the physical and emotional feelings of a Woman. She has an energy which is emotional and spiritual.

The essence of the feminine energy is love; a woman has a tender caring spirit which holds the truth in a peaceful place of beauty.  Her very composition makes her the child-bearer, nurse, carer and healer; and her connection with all creation and Mother Earth provides her with the skills to foster understanding, compassion, peace,  love and truth.

By contrast, the temporal Man has the need for control, generally through the physical prowess.  He is a good hunter, fighter, protector and provider, but he also has a natural instinct for battle and war.

We and our Planet Earth need a healthy balance of these very different Male and Female energies.  We’ve come a long way in evening-up the status quo; complete balance is hard to achieve, and requires all our efforts in illuminating our Planet with love, light and prayer.

In America, 100 years ago, the suffragette movement was working hard to gain equal rights;  Alice Duer Miller even resorted to humour on 1915 when she wrote:

    "Why We Don't Want Men to Vote"
    "Because man's place is in the army.
    Because no really manly man wants to settle any question otherwise than by fighting about it.
    Because if men should adopt peaceable methods women will no longer look up to them.
    Because men will lose their charm if they step out of their natural sphere and interest themselves in other matters than feats of arms, uniforms, and drums.
    Because men are too emotional to vote. Their conduct at baseball games and political conventions shows this, while their innate tendency to appeal to force renders them unfit for government".

In 1914 to help the war effort, these amazing Suffragettes suspended their fight for equality; after the war they received their just reward when the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote was added to the U.S.Constitution in August 1920.  President Woodrow Wilson is reported to have said, ‘We have made partners of the women in this war. Shall we admit them only to a partnership of suffering and sacrifice and toil and not to a partnership of right?"

The U.S.Constitution has an known agenda protecting free speech and equal rights to all citizens.  In June 1947, Harry S Truman famously spoke of  these civil rights:."we have reached", he said, "a turning point in the long history of our country's efforts to guarantee freedom and quality to all our citizens….. it is more important today than ever before to insure that all Americans enjoy these rights and be free to live his life as he wishes". "He should be limited only by his responsibility to his fellow countrymen", he added,"without any racial or sexual discrimination" ….and, "when I say all Americans I mean ALL Americans…..".

Now over 60 years later, it appears that some senators want to challenge these ‘rights’.

I believe it is interesting to note that the background to legalizing abortions in the UK was undoubtedly brought to a head by the Thalidomide tragedies.  These Children and others with serious mental and physical disabilities, foisted on Mothers who did not want and could not handle them, frequently caused them to suffer neglect or abuse; they often ended up in care, hospitals or in the courts. The notion that the law favoured inflicting unwanted children on hostile mothers made, and still makes no sense at all – religion has a lot to answer for!

There is a lot of sentimental talk about the joys of a lifetime’s caring for a deformed child, particularly on the part of those who do not have to do it themselves!.
At that time there was great social injustice in Britain. Middle and upper-class women could always buy abortions in Harley Street and could obtain them most easily. Working-class women often in desperate need had to go to the most appalling and often self-mutilating lengths putting themselves in great danger to obtain an abortion

Then, as now, we need to understand the responsibility of caring for a new young life; it is too important and far-reaching a decision to be undertaken lightly. It must be a lifetime’s commitment, which should be entered into with deliberation. If a mistake can be avoided or quickly rectified, how much better to protect the possible start of a miserable young life

Eventually, in the 1960’s the UK Abortion bill, implemented by David Steel was passed. This bill now seems inadequate in its coverage; perception and popular opinion demands that abortion decision should not be up to doctors, but rather be the decision of women; they are the only ones able to truly judge their social and emotional resources. For a time Doctors resisted losing their authority over patients; however today they recognise that it is not up to them to deny a woman birth control or abortion if that is what the woman requires and requests.

The popular concept now is that Women should be ‘allowed to decide for themselves, in common with the norm in many countries’ including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and some even parts of the USA.

Of course, in the 1960s, Roman Catholic MPs and doctors were as opposed to contraception as they now are to abortion. People have forgotten that; and Roman Catholics in the UK do not much like to be reminded of this now. A series of national opinion surveys in Europe have shown that a majority of Catholic voters, even surprisingly in Northern Ireland, now support abortion law reform and this despite all the pressure on them from the Church and their politicians.

It is natural in a way that young people today in Gt.Britain and Europe are a little complacent about abortion because they have grown up taking for granted that it is legal and safe. The 1967 Abortion Act in the UK clarifies the position and to this day provides the prominent statutory framework on which abortion is based.

It helped a new generation of women plan their lives and careers in a way that very few had been able to do previously. It paved the way for other European countries and possibly even America in 1973, and has been a stepping stone to the whole feminist rising in the 1970s and 1980s. I hope it will continue in North America, as  it most certainly will in the UK and most of Europe.   

The Violence Against Women Act, was introduced in the States by Senator Joe Biden and passed 18 years ago. It is the nation's most significant policy to fight domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.    Thanks to the act, the amount of victims now reporting domestic violence to the police has increased by 51%; and the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence against women has decreased.

Still, it is not enough, one in four U.S. women has been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner, and nearly one in five has been raped. Police, lawyers and victims groups support the act.

Reauthorization bills were passed in 2000 and 2005 with broad bipartisan support.  However, this year the realisation of the VAWA may be headed for trouble.  Republicans are opposing its re-authorization because it helps too many people!  (Excuse me!?)  It would appear that our ‘honest’, ‘caring’, ‘macho-Conservatives are now preparing a Carte blanche for the ' too many' men violating women! Wow!    (Read More HERE)

Finally, I pose a question regarding a statement by the wise President Woodrow Wilson; who told the people that "No one but the President seems to be expected… to look out for the general interests of the country”.

Do today’s prospective Candidates intend to change, and be prepared to uphold and represent these ‘best interest of the country’… and all its citizens?  They are certainly not doing that now.  Where is their integrity?

If Conservatism is the protection of the ‘status quo’, I believe these candidates have been blinkered for the past 50 odd years! 

To my American Sisters and all Women who are burdened with the man-made rules of Politicians and Church Leaders, I admonish you to remember that You are a child of God.   Wake up!! 

You were created in His image.

You live in the magnificent body He created.

You and He have the right to make the decisions affecting that magnificent creation. 

Speak directly to your heavenly Father.   You do not have need of an intermediary to speak to your Father.  Place your concerns in His hands. 

His answer will come... with Love. 

Women of the World I admonish you all to stand in your truth;  share your strength and support your less fortunate sisters around the World;  Women being abused,debased, and tortured. They are depleted; crying out for our love and support.  We must show them our compassion and our love.   Let them know they are not alone and abandoned. Any one of us might have been living their sorry lives today.  Our less fortunate Sisters desperately need us and we need them to reconnect the beautiful circle of creation in strength and Unity of One-ness with each other and with our One God.

We can re balance Earth's harmonic energies and quell the violent, destructive forces prevalent around the Globe, by strengthening a tight bond of Sisterhood committed to creating a World of Respect,Truth, Compassion, Beauty, Love and Peace.  Let us join on the Bridges and the Sacred Paths of Labyrinths across Mother Earth to merge our nurturing feminine energies and gentle caring Spirits into the one true World Religion - LOVE!   OM.

About the Author: Barbara Chester has been a resident of Grand Bahama Island since 1992, but a visitor since 1968. Her husband was a prominent developer in Freeport. She was born in Essex, England and also lives between England and France.  She is the founder, creator of the Grand Bahama Labyrinth, and is a member of the International Labyrinth Society; a trained Veriditas facilitator (Chartres, France), student, explorer, servant, coach, and counsellor. Her passion for the truth and love of humanity and all creation fires her fighting spirit for rights and justice.  A pilgrim to dozens of sacred sites and tracker of earth energy lines, she is currently studying sacred geometry.  She can be reached at

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