You became better for me...
By Shelby McPhee
Feb 28, 2014 - 2:25:24 AM

Standing there I watched you give birth, give birth to the greatness that you had carried around in you for so long. Can I be honest? I always knew you had it in you! I was so happy for you. I watched you smile ear to ear because you had waited so long for that moment to arrive. Sometimes I knew you felt like that moment really didn’t exist, but still you waited. Watching you cross that finish line, I jumped for joy but honestly, I felt my legs about to give in. I smiled with you, but deep beneath my smile was hurt. I was hurting because I was waiting; I was waiting on my time, my time to move, and my time to live. It’s funny that sometimes we could give the best advice but fail to listen to our own, that’s me.

I watched you hurt, and I watched you recover. You lost your faith through it all, and somehow you sorted through the mistakes of your past and found it. Like an infant you crawled before you crept. I jumped with leaps and bounds the day you got up to walk, you were my angel! I was excited to see you living, to see you breathing, and to see you doing but in the midst of my watching, I was waiting for my better. I know what you’ve been through and I’ve seen how far you’ve come. You’ve stood tall even when they didn’t think you could. When they talked about you, you used the venom they spewed to fuel your passion. Your dream was pushed by the pain you endured. It’s funny how close we got because of the pain we experienced, together. I’ve learned that pain is a commonality between people. You taught me not to take advantage of someone’s pain but let them see purpose through it. Your future is so bright, I’m glad you found the light to shine on it and see.  Now here you stand, tears streaming down my face because you found your purpose. I remember the challenges you faced compelled you to continue living and even though I’m waiting I believe.

I believe that yesterday was just a stepping stone for tomorrow.  I’m strong because of the strength that you found in your struggle. Tomorrow won’t be easy, but whatever comes I know it’ll be worth it. I remember your wounds and I see mine. This time, I won’t look at them as weakness but as signs of victory. Every time I get weary I’ll stop and recognize the beauty in everything around me, just like what you taught me. Every day I awake and feel too weak to try, I’ll remember that He’s given me another wind for a greater win, like he did you. I’ll remember the pain you endured. Finally I believe that I didn’t miss my moment, but that now is my time. When you shine, we shine. When you succeed, we succeed. I’m grateful that I’m in your corner, because I can look to you for the courage to expose my scars before they fully heal. Thank you for finding your better…



Your success is my inspiration…

(Written by Shelby McPhee, Nassau, Bahamas)

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