Your weekly horoscope for Jan 29 - Feb 5
By Adah Deveaux
Jan 29, 2016 - 11:57:47 AM


March 21 - April 19

Aries is already a forceful sign and this week is no different. You could rub your friends the wrong way however if you’re not careful, but they should be forgiving as they appreciate the extra time and attention you are showing them lately. You are more interested in socializing and improving group interactions and your leadership skills are sure to shine, just don’t turn into an egomaniac.


April 20 - May 20

Communication in your relationships and using a different approach could prove beneficial this week. You or your partner could do something shocking or so situation may take you by surprise. Being non possessive in love is most appropriate, but sudden requests for freedom and being eccentric could but a bone in your relationships. You could have a conflict with an eccentric type this week also or an inability to adapt to a new situation.


May 21- June 20

This tense energy from last week that may have spurred many changes in your life is still present, but thankfully as the week progresses the energy dissipates and you can finally start breathing a sigh of relief. This week will also have you feeling more loving vibes as you look forward to more progress ahead. You may soon start planning a trip or have an awakened interest in reading or some other academic pursuit you may have put on the backburner.


June 21- July 22

Your family life and relationships should have a peaceful stability to them now, which you appreciate greatly. Apart from perhaps restriction at work or with your health and soul searching about your own personal philosophy you are doing well. Take this week to survey all the great things in your life and perhaps get a headstart on creating a manifestation list for the upcoming new moon.


July 23- August 22

Your relationships are in the spotlight for much of February. This week you could be in the middle of an argument between your sweetheart and a family member, or they could do something that triggers a repressed memory from childhood. You or your partner would appreciate more freedom now, or unique experiences together, this will strengthen your relationship. If single, perhaps look for relationships among your friends and social groups.


August 23- September 22

You are social this week and may enjoy engaging in sports or other creative pursuits. Your love life is going through changes and you are being asked to change your thoughts or think about what you can do to improve them. This energy could also involve your children as you become more involved in their education and could do a bit of teaching to them outside of school. Intellectual stimulation coupled with group activity would appeal to you now.


September 23- October 22

Your relationships could suffer this week from ego issues. Talking this out is most beneficial. A lot of activity involves your family life, and you could experience emotional moments regarding them. But look up, because big changes are happening there and many of these could lead to your happiness.


October 23- November 21

You have intense energy now and may be looking for outlets such as sports and other physical pursuits. People could accuse you of having a “me” first attitude and acting before you think. You aren’t afraid to face conflict and feel like a warrior on the inside. Direct this bountiful energy to go after your goals or you could have difficulties with different relationships in your life.


November 22- December 21

You are experiencing a critical time in your life, where many events involving your future and hopes, dreams and wishes are coming to fruition. Lucky you! Of course this will involve some change and growth on your part, which many people find painful, but it will be well worth it when you finally become the person you are meant to be, and this year is poised to do just that!


December 22- January 19

You are more talkative, forceful and charming, the trifecta! Although you appear to be forceful and in command, you may not feel that way on the inside. You may be plagued with feelings of emotional blockages and this will last for a while. You are being asked to find bravery and put on a good face even if you don’t necessarily feel that way on the inside.


January 20- February 18

Strong personality! The sun is in your sign, giving you a more expressive vibe and the ability to take no prisoners if someone should ever cross you! Now you could use this energy constructively and have that conversation you were afraid to have last month, or finally audition for that role or go after that promotion. As long as you do things in good fun people will love this fierce side of your personality that is emerging.


February 19- March 20

Diving deep into the recesses of your mind is much easier to accomplish now than at any other time of the year. I know you may be wondering when you can have more fun. Social interaction will come, especially with the introduction of your birthday month. It is important to work before you have fun so you can enjoy yourself without restriction and the changes going on behind the scenes for you will help you achieve this.

Adah Deveaux has been been practicing astrology since she was 12 years old and has since made it her career path. Adah has her own astrology practice called A-List Astrology.  She can be reached at

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