BAMSI hosts students from Central Andros High
By Yolanda Deleveaux
Feb 12, 2016 - 1:27:46 PM

Slide show: BAMSI offers Professional Development Opportunities

Andros, Bahamas - IN spite of overcast skies and scattered showers nearly 50 students from Central Andros High School were excited to visit BAMSI where they learned more about the agricultural institute and what it can offer them once they graduate.

Dr Vallierre Deleveaux, BAMSIs Deputy Executive Director, and member of faculty and Soil Scientist Dr Joseph Lindsay hosted the group. He gave the students a tour of the administrative offices and classrooms, as well as the demonstration aquaponics system that BAMSIs marine science and aquaponics students use to better understand the unique farming method which does not require soil to grow produce.

During their initial briefing, Dr Deleveaux explained BAMSIs application process to students, pointing out key areas that they should be aware of, such as the requirement for five BGCSEs (Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations at ‘C’ or above, and how important it is to do well in subjects such as math, English and biology. He also explained that BAMSI offers associate degrees in Agriculture, Marine Science and Aquaponics.

The students were also given a tour of BAMSI’s commercial farm.

BAMSI offers Professional Development Opportunities

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