His Excellency Dr. Calsey W. Johnson offers condolences
By The Bahamas High Commission - Ottawa, Canada
Nov 14, 2014 - 9:16:27 AM

OTTAWA, Canada - Just before the sunset on Sunday November 9th 2014, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas received the tragic news of a plane crash in Freeport Grand Bahama and everyone wanted to know who the passengers were who were on that plane. Soon it was discovered that the famous son of the soil Pastor Miles Munroe and his wife Ruth perished in the crash. Others who died were Pastor Richard Pinder, Youth PastorsParks and their son, Stanley Thurston, Franklyn Cooper and D. Santiago.

My wife Dellie joins me in expressing our sincerest condolences to the bereaved family and pray that God will continue to sustain you.
Dr. Munroe and I go way back to the days when he and his group formed the Visioners. I was the master of ceremonies for many of their concerts and only a few years ago Pastor Miles organized a grand old time concert at BFM when Charles Carter, Carl Bethel and I were the Masters of Ceremony. The friends of long ago were together again. It was one of the greatest nights of my life.

Pastor Miles was a great Bahamian and the Country has lost great sons and daughters in that ill fated crash.

May Their Souls Rest In Peace.

Excellency Dr. Calsey W. Johnson.

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