NHI Secretariat conducts successful townhall in Exuma
By NHI Bahamas
Jul 28, 2016 - 10:32:25 AM


Nassau, The Bahamas — The National Health Insurance (NHI) Secretariat continued with its series of successful of town hall meetings across The Bahamas. Residents of Georgetown, Exuma (and the surrounding settlements), were next to be informed on the NHI Bahamas plan and continued improvements to the health care system for the successful implementation of NHI Bahamas.

Peter Deveaux Isaacs, Permanent Secretary for the NHI Secretariat, visited the island on July 21st, engaging with an audience of around 40 persons, representing a cross section of community members including local government, heads of government departments, educators, members of the armed forces, health care professionals, insurance professionals, fishermen, straw vendors, members of the religious community and private citizens.

The audience was very receptive to the NHI Bahamas presentation and expressed their excitement for this “nation building initiative”.


"These meetings are designed to educate and engage residents about the modern, affordable and accessible healthcare system that NHI aims to deliver for Bahamians." - Peter Deveaux-Isaacs, Permanent Secretary for National Health Insurance

Persons asked a variety of diverse questions, including how NHI Bahamas will facilitate health services for persons living on the Family Islands, collaboration with government and private stakeholders to improve access to healthier food and healthier environments, funding for NHI Bahamas, and the co-existence of the NHI Bahamas plan with private health insurance plans.

One community member expressed that the NHI Bahamas plan is “a fundamental development issue for The Bahamas. Access to healthcare should not be cost prohibitive. A healthy nation is a wealthy nation and NHI Bahamas will not only benefit myself, but also the future generations in this country.”

This townhall meeting served as a continued commitment by the Government to ensure every Bahamian resident is aware of the NHI Bahamas plan and benefits; along with continued stakeholder engagement that has been on going during the month of July.

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