Ports Supports The Bahamas AIDS Foundation
By Ports International
Nov 28, 2015 - 10:10:35 AM

(Pictured L-R: Lady Camille Barnett and Michele Rassin-Moodie)

Nassau, Bahamas - To show support and solidarity on World AIDS Day, December 1, local medical supplier Ports International recently made a donation to the Bahamas AIDS Foundation. The Bahamas AIDS Foundation is a non-profit, non-government organization dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS in the community and worldwide, by providing programs and activities to continuously fight HIV/AIDS in the Bahamas.

As stated by Mrs. Michele Rassin-Moodie "We have come such a long way in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Huge global efforts such as the UNAIDS Strategy Getting to Zero have proven results as more people are accessing treatment and prevention services; but we are not there yet.  Corporate partners must assist the Bahamas AIDS Foundation in raising awareness, prevention, treatment and reducing HIV/AIDS in the Bahamas."

How can you help support the fight against HIV/AIDS in the Bahamas?  Make a donation to the Bahamas AIDS Foundation in their commitment to Getting to Zero: Zero new HIV infections, Zero mother to child transmissions, and Zero AIDS-related deaths.  Proudly adorn your red ribbons, wearing one is a sign that together, we can stop the spread of HIV and end prejudice.  Support the Bahamas AIDS Foundation and call 242-325-9326 or email

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