RBC Hosts Character Day Lunch N Learn for Employees
Oct 1, 2016 - 1:39:46 AM


RBC Royal Bank held its first Character Day Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. Character Day is a global event devoted to developing who we are and who we want to be in the world founded by Emmy-nominated studio Let It Ripple.

RBC along with The PACE Foundation, partnered to bring Character Day to RBC team members, who joined 85,000 groups and 121 countries around the world to screen the film “The Science of Character.”

The film introduced employees to the “Fixed Mindset and the Growth Mindset” and identified seven crucial strengths for success and happiness. Participants were also given a handout titled The Periodic Table of Character which they used to identify their character strengths.

Following the film, employees engaged in Q&A. Led by Sharell Carroll, RBC Manager, Corporate Communications, the session created awareness about the importance of character for success personally and professionally.  She began by asking, “What is character and why is it important?”

Bernadette Turnquest, RBC Compliance Officer responded, “Character impacts our everyday life. It has a rippling effect on others.” She went on to say “For example at RBC what one person does affects someone else.” Heidi Munroe agreed noting that “For an organization, character development is important for employees because a person of good character has an impact on everyone they interact with”.

Carroll asked the team to consider ways RBC could benefit if employees cultivated a growth mindset as discussed in the film. Shequira Symonette, Financial Control Officer, shared that sometimes she could be more optimistic. “We work in an environment where there is always something or someone new. Sometimes I’ve asked myself, what is the point in learning this new policy when they will change it anyway. I don’t want to see myself stuck in the mud however, so now I can see the importance of adapting to change with a more positive outlook.”

Her sentiments were echoed by Simone Hanna, Client Assistance Officer, who thought humility was a characteristic that the entire staff should continue to display; “With so many changes going on, we must have the ability to adapt to change, and humility plays a big part in that “, she said.


The conversation on character continued with staff members questioning themselves and each other honestly. Khalila Armbrister, H.R. Generalist asked the team their thoughts on whether or not curiosity should be a character trait associated with success. IT Manager Kriston Bain highlighted how curiosity helped him. “My team often works with third party vendors, by observing them and asking questions about the way they do things, I learn and grow. Curiosity has helped me tremendously.” he said.

The session gave all in attendance the opportunity to celebrate their strengths while considering how to improve their character flaws. Shevette Seymour from the Subsidiary Governor’s Office emphasized; “as a people we, and I, can improve. As a country it appears that our natural disposition is to criticize, but we have to learn to compliment. Let’s highlight something positive rather than looking for a negative” she challenged the group.

At the conclusion of the session, team members worked together to restate the 7 crucial strengths for success and happiness which are; optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, curiosity, self-control, enthusiasm, and grit.
Manager of Business Development Edward Strachan thought the session went well and was particularly important; “There are character issues throughout the country. If we can each demonstrate good character in our daily lives, then we can begin to teach others.”

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