Screen Scene
Film Review: Lights Out
By Rouén Robinson
Aug 11, 2016 - 10:05:29 AM


You Were Right to Be Afraid of the Dark...

When a supernatural entity strikes from the shadows at family, it is up to a young woman to defend her younger half-brother. As she unlocks the truth behind its attachment to her family, she must be ready to fight for the sanity of her mother.

Rebecca is a young woman dealing with relationship issues with her boyfriend, but after having to come to the rescue of her younger brother she must uncover a horrifying family secret. Martin is Rebecca’s little half-brother who is dealing with the death of his father and his mother’s loosening grip on reality as she begins to interact with someone that has returned in her life. Sophie is the mother of Rebecca and Martin who is coming to grips with the loss of her second husband as she begins to spiral into a pit of despair after a person from her past reemerges. Diana is a light sensitive being who was friends with Sophie years ago and has now reinserted herself into her life with the express purpose of becoming the only important person to her.

Lights Out is an impressive feat of film making as it expands on the short film it is based on. I loved how creative this movie was with the premise that is the foundation of the scares in it. The cast gives performances that ratchet up the fright factor in this film, but I must give credit to Gabriel Bateman for emoting in such away that you truly believe every fearful scene he is in. David F. Sandberg makes an impressive full length motion picture debut and it is an enjoyable horror movie experience that gets you on a primal level. This movie reminded me a bit of Darkness Falls, but added science fiction elements that worked in concert with the supernatural genre tropes. This has been a surprising Summer where first time movies like this one have been able to successfully take on established franchises at the box office.

I rate this movie a 4 out of 5.

In Theaters

See other reviews by Rouén HERE.

Rouén Robinson has been an avid moviegoer since childhood and has been critiquing motion pictures for almost a decade. He has been a film critic for The Cinemas on Tempo and was a judge for F LIFF On Location: Grand Bahama Island, an off shoot of the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF). Rouén lives in Grand Bahama and can be reached at and on Twitter @thereelrouen

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