Screen Scene
Film Review: Yoga Hosers
By Rouén Robinson
Jul 31, 2016 - 12:41:14 AM


Do Your ‘Wurst...

Two teenage girl yoga enthusiasts must band together to combat an evil threat that could spoil their chance to go to a party with older members of their high school. They end up joining forces with a legendary man-hunter as they fight for their lives using the yoga skills they have learned.

Colleen Collette is a high school girl who works at her father’s convenience store and is part of a garage band with her best friend, but on the cusp of attending a party with Seniors when an evil arises. Colleen McKenzie is best friends with Colleen C and her co-worker at the Manitoba convenience store Eh-2-Zed, but she soon finds their lives endangered by Bratzis. Hunter Calloway is a popular senior at Terry Fox Prep who is best friends with fellow classmate Gordon Greenleaf, but when they invite Colleens C & M to a party they may have sinister intentions. Commissioner Garmin is the German scientist who created the Bratzis, but after coming out of cryogenic slumber prematurely he find things not as they should be.

Yoga Hosers is a fun time just waiting to be had in the form of an hilarious horror comedy. It is aimed at a younger audience, but can be enjoyed by anyone willing to give the craziness a try. It reminded me of buddy movies like Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure or Dude, Where’s My Car with a light horror vibe of Idle Hands or Night of the Creeps. Kevin Smith does a good job writing and directing this second installment in his True North trilogy and it brought to mind the movies of Troma Entertainment. He himself has said that he was going for a Clueless meets Gremlins or Critters feel and I found it more like a mashup of Wayne’s World, Small Soldiers, Toy Soldiers and Dead Alive. I look forward to seeing where this trilogy goes with Moose Jaws because I found the first entry, Tusk, very interesting.

I rate this film a 3 out of 5.

In Theaters

See other reviews by Rouén HERE.

Rouén Robinson has been an avid moviegoer since childhood and has been critiquing motion pictures for almost a decade. He has been a film critic for The Cinemas on Tempo and was a judge for F LIFF On Location: Grand Bahama Island, an off shoot of the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF). Rouén lives in Grand Bahama and can be reached at and on Twitter @thereelrouen

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