Screen Scene
Review: Luke Cage (Season 1 - Netflix)
By Rouén Robinson
Oct 2, 2016 - 7:45:55 PM


If You Want Justice, You Have To Get It Yourself...

After surviving a sabotaged experiment that leaves him with super strength and nigh invulnerable skin, a framed man becomes a fugitive trying to rebuild his life in a new city. Soon he finds himself pulled out of hiding to battle for the soul of his new home and to confront the revelations of his past which he thought he had escaped.

Carl Lucas is a former convict of Seagate Prison who is believed dead after a botched experiment there left him with superpowers and is now living in Harlem as Luke Cage a reluctant hero of the people. Mercedes 'Misty' Knight is a Detective for the NYPD in Harlem who is adamant about learning all there is to know about Luke Cage as she attempts to take down the local crime boss of the area. Mariah Dillard is a local councilwoman who is looking to reinvigorate Harlem with a new housing initiative, but finds that hard to accomplish without the under the table dealings of her cousin. Cornell 'Cottonmouth' Stokes is the cousin of Mariah Dillard who owns the nightclub Harlem's Paradise which he uses as a base of operation for his illegal enterprise for the heavy arms dealer Diamondback.

Luke Cage successfully carves out its own niche in the Marvel universe with a style that treats the superhero genre like the telling of folklore in a modernization of a negro spiritual. The fact that it uses music as a way of making its mark by skillfully crafting a blaxploitation feel for its 13 episodes is commendable. Mike Colter is able to carry the weight of the first season on his shoulders as Luke Cage with the help of a strong supporting cast who create moments that are not only memorable, but also relevant to the tense climate of today. By showing us the fictional struggles of a street level hero dealing with the burdens of responsibility both ordinary and extraordinary, we see the strength of character that we can find within ourselves to overcome similar situations of varying degrees. This is a binge-worthy series that only suffers from pacing issues due to the amount of exposition it must administer to be a part of a shared universe, but it more than makes up for it with its charismatic method of mature storytelling.

I rate this first season a 4 1/2 out of 5.

On Netflix

See other reviews by Rouén HERE.

Rouén Robinson has been an avid moviegoer since childhood and has been critiquing motion pictures for almost a decade. He has been a film critic for The Cinemas on Tempo and was a judge for F LIFF On Location: Grand Bahama Island, an off shoot of the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF). Rouén lives in Grand Bahama and can be reached at and on Twitter @thereelrouen

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