Screen Scene
Rogue One : A Star Wars Story
By Rouén Robinson
Dec 27, 2016 - 8:30:43 AM


Save The Rebellion. Save The Dream...

In a time of escalating dispute, unlikely heroes band together to steal the plans to an ultimate weapon of destruction. Ordinary people are brought into the fold to achieve extraordinary things and become part of something greater than themselves in a galaxy far, far away.

Jyn Erso is a maverick detained by the Imperial Empire for crimes against them until she is freed by the Rebel Alliance for a mission involving a mysterious weapon that could dominate the universe. Cassian Andor is an Intelligence officer for the Rebels with a reprogrammed Imperial droid, K-2SO,who is given the assignment of escorting Jynto an Empire occupied planet. Saw Gerrera is veteran of the Clone Wars who raised Jyn after she was forced into hiding and after cutting ties with the Rebellion is now an extremist working against the Empire. Orson Krennic is the Director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Imperial Military who has been working on a rumored super weapon with Jyn’s father.

Rogue One : A Star Wars Story has been the type of movie many fans have wanted to see since the introduction of the Expanded Universe literature years ago. It is not a perfect film, but it is an example of the type of gritty storytelling that is possible in an anthology series set in the Star Wars universe. For me Alan Tudyk, Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna & Donnie Yen gave the best performances that helped realize what was at stake in the suicide mission and the importance of success no matter the cost. Gareth Edwards in his directing did a solid job of showing us the insurmountable odds that Alliance had to face against the Empire. The score by Michael Giacchino was reminiscent of the work he did on the tv show Lost and helped with the quiet scenes that needed that added emotional push, but was not quite up to the grander parts when compared to what John Williams had already set in stone for Star Wars. I know that this movie will be compared to The Force Awakens and even though I like that movie more, I still think this movie is one of the best Star Wars films and tells a tale worth experiencing.

I rate this movie a 4 out of 5.

In Theaters

See other reviews by Rouén HERE.

Rouén Robinson has been an avid moviegoer since childhood and has been critiquing motion pictures for almost a decade. He has been a film critic for The Cinemas on Tempo and was a judge for FLIFF On Location: Grand Bahama Island, an off shoot of the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF). Rouén lives in Grand Bahama and can be reached at and on Twitter @thereelrouen

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