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The Karate Kid (2010) - Movie review by Rouén Robinson
By Rouén Robinson
May 12, 2018 - 12:31:26 PM

The Karate Kid (2010)

The remake of the iconic film that focused on a new martial arts style but remembered the emotional center.

 A Challenge He Never Imagined. A Teacher He Never Expected.

A young boy is relocated to another country that speaks a different language due to his mother's latest career move. He almost immediately falls for his classmate who has mutual feelings, but cultural differences make the success of their friendship highly unlikely. To make matters worse the friendship incurs the wrath of the neighborhood bully. The young boy's only hope is to get the maintenance man of the apartment building he lives in to teach him the martial art of Kung Fu.

Dre Parker is a young kid who could have been the most popular kid at his school in Detroit but must now learn a whole new set of social rules and language in another country when he moves to China with his mother. Sherry Parker is Dre's mother who wants nothing more than to offer he son the best she can provide for him and that can only be done by moving to another country that offers her advancement in her career. Mr. Han is the maintenance man at Dre's apartment who is also a Kung Fu expert with a past that has kept him introverted, but finds it within himself to help Dre when he is asked by him to become his teacher. Meiying is a young violinist at Dre's school who takes a liking to him, but soon finds that for them to continue their friendship they will have to find the courage stand up to all who may disapprove.

The Karate Kid works as a re-imagining of the formula for a modern audience that works by using elements from the first two movies to create an entertaining cinematic experience. This movie earns the title the Karate Kid even though there is no Karate showcased or even mentioned in the film. I wish they had stayed with the original title of The Kung Fu Kid since that is the Chinese martial art shown in the film and not the Japanese martial art from Okinawa that is used in the present title. Apart from that I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed this film from beginning to end. Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith are able to give believable performances that makes the story feel fresh and real on the screen. The fight scenes were painfully realistic and the emotional scenes were poignant. The background shots were like a travel brochure from the Chinese government with the breathtaking majesty of the country's natural beauty. This is a well-made family film with themes that parents can discuss with their children afterward. I rate this movie a rating of 4 out of 5.

The Karate Kid (2010)

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