Grand Bahama
GBPA on statement recent meter audit by GBPC
By Grand Bahama Port Authority
Mar 21, 2019 - 12:29:51 AM

The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited wishes to advise the public that as Regulators, we were notified by The Grand Bahama Power Company (GBPC) that during a course of their recent meter audit, they discovered a number of suspected electricity diversions at several businesses within the Port Area.  As a result, we immediately began our own independent investigations into this matter which is currently ongoing.  Thus far, we can confirm that all of the work performed by the licensee was unpermitted, and was executed outside the scope of the license.

As this matter is currently with the Royal Bahamas Police Force and investigations are still ongoing, we do not wish to comment any further to interfere with the Police investigations.  We do believe that due process will be carried out and we are hoping to have this matter amicably resolved as soon as possible for the benefit of the entire Grand Bahama community.  We will continue to dialogue with GBPC, and have scheduled a meeting with the Cooper family and the Coalition of Concerned Citizens.

We encourage the public that if you had any energy cost savings work done on your premises, to please contact our Building and Development Services Department to ensure that the work carried out was permitted and the installation was carried out in accordance with the Building Code.

The Building and Development Services Department can be reached at 350-9166, (WhatsApp) 824-4444 or at

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