Grand Bahama
JL McKnight Ministries holds 4 day prayer conference at St. John's Jubilee Cathredal in Grand Bahama
Nov 4, 2009 - 12:02:33 AM

Wednesday Opening with Conference Host Dr. Jonathan McKnight. Photo: Derek Carroll

Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas - A four day conference title, "Travailing into the Supernatural' was held from October 28th to 31st  in Freeport at the St. John's Jubilee Cathedral. It was a free conference put on by JL McKnight Ministries and Sanctuary of  Praise Ministries.

Hosted by Jonathan McNight of Orlando Florida, and locally hosted by Bishop Godfrey Williams, the conference also had such speakers as Bishop Noel Jones of Los Angeles, CA; guest psalmist Pastor Beverly Crawford of Gainesville FL; musical group Shaback of Nassau Bahamas; and many others.

More info HERE

Photos by Derek Carroll

Dr. McKnight speaks at the conference on Saturday Morning. Photo: Derek Carroll

Friday night gift presentation to the president of the GBPA, Mr. Ian Rolle. He received a 'Prayer is a Must' book and CD set from Bishop Williams and Dr. McKnight. Left to right: Bishop Williams, Ian Rolle, and Dr. McKnight. Photo: Derek Carroll

Bishop Noel Jones speaks to the conference participants. Photo: Derek Carroll

Local host Bishop Williams visiting speaker Bishop Noel Jones; and conference host Dr. McKnight. Photo: Derek Carroll

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