Grand Bahama
Movember Boys End the Growth!‏
By Sarah Kirkby
Dec 3, 2009 - 1:44:15 PM


Freeport, Grand Bahama - After a full month of no shaving, the Lucaya International School male teachers, will end their MOVEMBER fundraiser.  "It was a great effort by the male teachers to grow their mustaches and keep them all month no matter how itchy or ridiculous they looked," noted Phillip McCormick, LIS History Teacher.   Thanks to many generous friends and family these men will make a contribution to the Cancer Association of Grand Bahama to help men in their community with health issues. The LIS teachers are hoping next year they will be able to get a lot more men involved with Movember, so they too can become a MObro.  "The more the merrier!" said Rob Fuller, LIS Primary Coordinator, "We are also looking to hold a huge 'shave-off' at LIS next year, where students can make a donation to have the right to shave the mustache off their favourite teacher."  Pictured from left to right are Nigel Kirkby, Philip McCormick, Rob Fuller, Lee Rowlinson, Chris Mockrish and Miguel Catasus.

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